Hello, I am not the best at halo at all but I wouldn't consider myself bad either. I am looking to get higher (obviously a 50) and I have a 41 in lone wolves (highest level) but everyone steals my kills and was wondering either if anyone wants to help me in doubles (24) and/or slayer (33). I am 14 and when I play halo I mostly play matchmaking so if I am playing halo and you want to play invite me. I am looking for someone who has a mic and can callout. But I am also looking for someone who won't flip out when (if) we lose and/or scream at me if I do bad one game or whatever. I am looking to have fun while doing this. So if you would like to help just send me a friend request (GT-HomieG54) and in a message say what you would like to help with. P.S. If this is in the wrong place could a mod please move it? Thanks, HomieG54
i could can you a hand if you like. my highest skill is in team doubles (25) but ive been doing rubbish lately and have gone down to 21/22 so send me a FR. GT: Belly391
I just sent a friend request. Hopefully we do good. I am still looking for other partners! And a team slayer team if anyone is interested.