Authors: MultiLockOn, aMoeba, Zak Map Name: Over the Board v4.534.656 Map Canvas: Foundry Map Size: Small Player Count: 8 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, VIP, Conquest, Agents, OVERBOARD!, Team Zlayer, Battle Tracks __________________________________________________ Description: ..::Over the Board::.. MultiLockOn aMoeba Zak READ THE DESCRIPTION This map took place over 40 hours of hard forging, sweat, and lots of testing. It was started the day it was announced that the monthly competition would be Overboard, and I immediately jumped at the chance. I messaged aMoeba and Zak to get on, and we immediately did so. When our masterpiece was finally complete, we took a step back to admire our crowned jewel in all her beauty. And the testing was where all our work showed. Showing gorgeous aesthetics, myself, aMoeba, and Zak present to you, Over the Board. Here you can take a gander at our masterpiece in all her glory. As you can see here the aesthetics we put into the map was no small feat, but we pulled it off. There is an easter egg in this map. Whoever is the first to find it receives 1600 Mcrosoft Points. DOWNLOAD
Hey, great job on the map guys! It's so fun to play on. Overboard is a great gametype! The map looks like you put a lot of hard work in to this and it payed off. (I'm meerkats btw.)
This look like a really good map. I'm sure that it will get a lot of DL's just because it is such a fun Gametype. The interlocking is really smooth but since there is one little piece that looks sloppy I'm gunna give this a 4.9/5 even though I haven't played it.
Oh, quick question. How did you get those things to go in to the ground like that!? It looks so cool and I was curious. And how did you get that stuff to float. Again, great job. I'm voting for this in the XFORGERY challenge.
[Today 09:38 PM] l33tmeerkatslol: lmfao. zak, you are my hero. [Today 09:33 PM] Zak: Keep a Close Eye on This thats cute^
This is one of the greatest maps I have ever seen. It works for every gametype beautifully. I especially loved CTF One Flag on it, although 3 Ball was a little slow. I love that you were able to incorporate such beautiful aesthetics and gameplay into one map. It seems awfully hard to come by nowadays. I just wish more maps could be like this. Maybe then every feature would be deserving of its name. Congratulations on this gem of a map. Until I play it I give it a 3/5
In all actuality, this map is intended for the gametype OVERBOARD!. Don't bother downloading the other gametypes if you actually want to give this ago. It plays pretty well for the gametype; due to the nature of the gametype you're jumping most of the time and won't notice the bumps in the map.
This map was fun to build. We had to go with high walls rather than a ceiling, as one would easily be able to break out. Note to all the ones hunting for the easter egg, its not what you think it is. Also, we've managed to prevent spawnkilling, so that probably helps (especially with the whole gist of Overboard). Just a notice, don't flame the map unless you've played Overboard on it, as it is the main gametype for it, although it supports everything else.
"If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem." This isn't an honest publication of a map and the authors know it. This travesty meets the requirements, but we all know that the abhorrent sarcasm was to prove a point. Satire, like this, is petty and immature. In the future please refrain from going out of the way to make posts like these.