Ghetto Flag

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GHETTO_GEPETO, Apr 7, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    This was the first map I made and I wanted to share it with people.

    Description: A map made for capture the flag with two bases connected by a simple maze made of walls on Foundry. Each team's base has a bubble shield, radar jammer, and deployable cover. And for weapons each team has 1 rocket launcher, 1 energy sword, 2 shot guns, 2 battle rifles, 2 sniper rifles, and 1 needler. The map is simple but it can be fun for a small party to play capture the flag in. The Map The Game Variant


    I hope you enjoy it. And since I'm new to making maps could you give me some advice to make it better.
    #1 GHETTO_GEPETO, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Please embed your images.

    Just copy this, I've basically done it for you already:

    JASONYO Ancient
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    once u get past the shield door with the flag, u kinda win, and its a little uncreative, and does each team get a pair of each weapon. cuz that is too mucho
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I dont intend to be mean but how can I not be.
    This is terrible. it looks shockingly easy to escape from, unless there's no starting grenades or grenades on map.

    but you can just jump off team mates, then in all of your glory you put 2 deployable cover on the map.

  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    (i second that)
    bahaha, i dont know what to say, okay, let me stich meself up real quick... understand this is your first me and linub really should just cool it, but ya, grenade jumpers will demolish this map, as well as lame-o teamates who jump off your head while your just RUNNING! ( i do it all day, teehee) also, its so tiiiny, and too many power weapons, and soo sloppy, try interlocking the walls so they look like one smoooooth wall...and omg, im really sorry if i look like a douche, but man...cmon
  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    It could use a bit of work.
    #6 The Hudacris, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008
  7. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
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    its not that good there isnt much too it its just a couple of walls really
  8. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    People on these forums really aren't the nicest people, are they? He's obviously very, very new to forging, and created a hallway out of walls with some twists and knicks in the walls to give places to hide. For a first attempt to forge hub, you folks are being incredibly rude. I, myself, personally, still give it a 5/10. The map itself needs work. Lots of work. But, the basic idea, twisty-hallway CTF, is not bad. In fact for a while I was toying around with a map like this.

    Some words of advice for one, try to make everything very neat. This includes spawn points, weapon placement, everything. Make sure it all lines up properly. Second, be careful how you include shield doors, because they are very very powerful, and can change the entire map based on where you place them. For instance, I agree with the middle-of-the-hall shield door there, because it makes a split for the two bases.

    Next, after you have got the level cleaned up a bit, think about weapon placement. Dont just give everyone all the weapons at their base, put some out in the hallways little corners, give people a reason to leave their side of the hall.

    Finally, after cleaning the level up and rebalancing weapon placement, add a ceiling. I recommend using bridges, to seal the top of the level and keep players where you want them to play.

    That said, the map still won't stand out, even with these clean up measures. These will raise it to a possible 6 or maybe 7/10. Just try to remember from now on when you make maps to use what I've said above before you post here. In short, three steps:

    1. Make everything clean, and properly aligned.
    2. Place weapons in logical places, and don't go overboard with weapons in any one place.
    3. Add a ceiling, and ensure your map is inescapable.
    #8 Realistic, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
    Shock Theta likes this.
  9. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  10. DeathDriver86

    DeathDriver86 Ancient
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    With a little tightening up, and possibly higher walls this map may have possibilities. If you like, add me on XBL(Forum name is same as gamertag) and I'll gladly assist.
  11. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    I too believe that people are being too harsh on a first time map. The initial idea isn't bad at all. If this map was slightly larger and a bit neater, I bet that there would be many posts saying how great it is (those are my improvements, by the way). Let off people, it could work with a few tweaks.
  12. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    it is a great idea but you should close the top and spread the weapons out.
  13. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    It could be good, I mean right now the biggest problem is certainly that it looks a little bare. Plenty of really good maps do use a similar style though so its just the execution that could use a little work.
  14. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    Ok, first of all I would like to say Welcome to forgehub. Second I would like to give some constructive criticisms. It seems you have a fun idea but dont know how to put it into forge. One thing you could do is make it so the shape of the map is either and L or a U. next you could either add a roof {put fence walls, single and double boxes or any other object you like for the roof}. Next, try interlocking the walls to make it look as if its one seemless wall.

    Now for playability. TOO MANY POWER WEAPONS! try haveing 1 or 2 real power weapons {splazer, rockets, sniper} on the map with high responds {120-180}, then add a few semi power weapons {shotty, bruteshot, maulers, exc} with respawns of 45 secs-90 secs. als, dont put lots of weapons in the bases. maybe 1 or 2 Brs and a semi power wep. you want people to hunt for the weapons.

    Hope this helps

    also, If you make these changes, Im sure that it will be a pretty epic map. and to all those people flaming him, GTFO! ITS HIS FIRST MAP!!!!!!!!!!!
    Shock Theta likes this.
  15. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    congrats on ur 1st map. To make ur map better u might want to try and add a 2nd layer of walls. this well help people from jumping out and cheating. Also u might want to add some more cover
  16. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Most people are mean on here huh?
    Map indeed doesn't look to fun. Try to make a map more complex, actually put some time into it. Make the weapons in different places so you actually have to run and get them not just start with them. Also try using other objects not just walls and such. Actually think of how people are gonna play it like oh if I put this here he'll have to crouch jump to get it or something. Make the walls high so people can't simply grenade jump/jump onto of teamates head/jump off object to get out. Even though you think they're gonna play the game fair and stay in the map; your wrong. Theres always those assholes that just want to screw up your game and get you angry.
    Please take these tips into consideration. Thank you. Good attempt.


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