holy hot dicks from hell this looks so amazing! i can't believe you can customize your killstreaks too! so awesome. I just hope that some don't overpower each other. btw, are those legit weapons? They look so....so...not like anything i've seen before.
I had some low expectations for Multiplayer, now that just looked awesome. Oh and watch until the end for some lulz
I just shat myself. This looks sick although I hope the guns won't be like BF:BC's guns. They just seem too fake.
I am not going to lie here I thought MP would be the exact same and that it was going to just have a few minor adjustments. I should have never lost faith in IW. I'm so sorry! Anyway I think this is the least to come. They have more up they're sleeves I know it. I'm just orgasming until the next vid cums.
Holy ****! You can stick people with grenades!? I've never seen anything like this in any other video-game. Ever! All jokes aside, this game looks like a pretty cool guy, and I'll be sure to pick it up when it's released. =)
This was also posted on Machinima, I was about to make a thread on it too, lol. The MP looks epic, I'm sure to get MW2, and I'm sure I'm gonna love it. forevers. I cannot wait until ****ing November.
THIS LOOKS AMAZING! Customizable killstreaks, stickie nades, more explosions! Lets just hope the whole mutliplayer isn't packed into one trailer and makes it look epic when it isn't really. But this looks OMG. Ac130 gunship unlock, ownage.
Unlock? I thought it was already there. Wonder what the other ones might be... Mutant sharks with laser beams?
ac130 Gunship! Yes! What'd I tell you? Customizable Killstreaks OMG! If I wasn't in the hospital feeling like **** I'd be jumping up and down haha! Damn I can't wait for this to get out.
Just saw it about 10 minutes ago. Awesome. 15 customizable killstreak perks. I might give Halo a rest when the game comes out. I want more multiplayer stuff. Now.
lol i remember someone posted that and I was wondering who it was. You called it you lucky bastard you...
If this has split-screen live than this game just may be able to tie with Halo 3 as the best game of all time. Is it just me or did the weapons look a little battlefield-ish. Not that I have anything against battlefield, but their weapons' appearance can't compare with CoD's. Awesome Graphics.
So they're like, okay what's one thing that halo's got that we don't got that we could pretty easily add in. "Hey aren't there such things as sticky grenades in real life" BINGO. If I were you, I would become a member if I already wasn't of their site. That's where they give out the beta codes I'm pretty sure.