Forge Spectacular Timed team forge #1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ferretness, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Forge Spectacular forge #1

    h3artificers Forge Spectacular #1 Timed team forge.
    The map was made in the first of many Forge Spectaculars

    Created by G043R, Coyote1023. Ferretness, Gamekilla,1 Iversonrocks03, Sgt Visily, Zstrike13, AIDS720, and Tck SwordScar

    Supported Gametypes:
    • Assault
      Capture the Flag

    This map was created by the teams of the First ever h3artificer Forge Spectacular.

    The rules were simple, each team gets half the items and half the map. They had a 20 minute time limit (which we pushed back 2 minutes) the spawns were placed by monitors after the fact.

    The map has been balanced by Ferretness.

    We hope that you all sign up for the next FS Here.

    A thanks to all the forgers.


    The starting canvas. Note it is divided in two.


    Half way there (11 minutes)

    Done. Will update with pics of the other side.


    The forgers.

    #1 Ferretness, Apr 6, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  2. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    this was a blast and a lot of fun

    i knew exactly how to defend my side( side in picture 2)

    but when the game started, i went into an unknown territory to try and capture a flag

    was a lot of fun

    great job hosting the event ferret and everyone else
  3. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    Looks fun, when is the next one?

    JASONYO Ancient
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    im confused by this, r they trying to build the best side base and then play CTF, cuz in that case, you could easily just make a one way door and pwn n00bs
  5. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    What a great idea this is! Mods or FH people at the top!!! I think this is a cool and fun thing to maybe start doing!!! maybe we should sticky this? Anyone else think so...
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I don't understand. They can place anything they want? And then they have a game of Multi-Flag CTF or something? What keeps them from placeing overshields that instantly respawn or things like that?
  7. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Not sure how the CTF plays out but think it would be cool just to have a Forge Off, half the map, half the objects a team and 30 minutes! See which team can make a better map!!! That would be so cool!!!!!!!!!! I would suck at it cause I take forever and like to work alone but.. it just sounds fun and would for sure be open to trying it out!!!!
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    what he said, also as a forger, you come to understand that you can REALLY rape halo with forge, so aside from the rape factor, say you set limits, what about interlocking? starting new rounds? i mean because both teams would have to start a new round...SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!>.<

    also, i agree with the whyher and think this should be stickied

    furthermore ^-^ whyher, i have done your "forgeoff" but with a few days, and it can be pretty fun, with the competitiveness it makes each side work alot harder to get the interlocking neater, and etc.
    #8 Tex, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  9. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    This friday from 8:00 to 10:00 EST

    You can signup Here or Here

    There were rules to prevent tha, and then a monitor overveiw of the map before it was played. As the rules were extensize I will not list them here.

    Rules: Here or Here

    I am releasing this map on FourgeHub, so that the most possible people will see it. However this is not a ForgeHub event. The event is set up and hosted by h3artificers, since it is not a forgehub event the post should not be stickied here.

    Also this post is not about the event, merely a map made during the event.

    Hope that clears some things up.
  10. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  11. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    THis was pretty crazy. Gauss hog turret with one way into the base ftw ^^, untill they put a man-cannon in to fly across the wall. I think this is great, trying to make ur base better than the others so you gain an advantage during the in-game ctf match. I want to play in another spectacular soon, and the customs between the ctf matches were awesome too. The rats nest was by far most annoying, but the standoff was most fun!
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I was just looking at the finished map that came out of this... it kind of reminds me of some brainstorming maps I made when Foundry first came out. This seems like an interesting way to generate ideas for serious maps. I did notice that the cool parts somehow turned up at both bases... what's that all about? Also the bases look... pretty much the same. Maybe you should build a wall to the ceiling so the teams can't even look at what the other side is doing. Also, mabye make the objective to be who can build the best quality base for balanced gameplay instead of who can build the most defensable flag base.
  13. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    The reason the bases look the same is becuase I redid the entire red base, as it was...lacking to say the least. However you will notice that there are many large differences between the two, for instance, the blue base is simply a wall, whilst the red base has many levels, and is more compact.

    The reason we cannot build a wall in that we need to use all the materials that we would use to construct said wall.

    yes I agree that the good points showed up in both, but there is no way to stop people from copying, and the bases them selfs were, and are very different. So I thought it turned out well. This is not supposed to be an extremely good map, as it was made in 20 minutes, it is fun to play on however and serves as a sort of Promo to our website.
  14. The Titan

    The Titan Ancient
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    how do i sign up?
  15. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Check teh linky on teh first page

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