JAKE'S CRIB NOTE: I give everyone editing permissions. If you would like to make this map better, then go ahead, but show me your version of the map before you do anything with it. Download this map HERE: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
nice map. looks really good but you could of made the weapons placements a little neater. overall very nice map. definite DL from me.
That's what XBL Partys were made for. To many of these maps have been made! If your going to make one of these you better be willing to bet that it is better than the hundreds before it. Oh and why would you put weapons and vehicles on a map if its made to hang out on? Maps like this should be pure asthetics only in my opinion. EDIT: Oh and a word of advice; next time you post a thread, make sure to take your pics from a custom game. Not forge.
That is an excellent point, but keep in mind that this supposed to be an aesthetic map. Therefore, the map's purpose is not primarily gameplay.
okay although it's by no means the first of it's kind, It still looks like a nice place to just play and talk with friends online when you get bored of matchmaking. Also I like how you used the barriers for stair railings. =)
If you put it in a section where looks are what it is all about, make sure yours looks nice. The interlocking is very sloppy on this, so is weapon placement. And why are there weappons on a map that you don't play??? Also, the maps people tend to hang out on, are excellently forged, and are generally awesome. So make it a lot neater.
Looks great, I 've been think of making a map like this for while, I 'll dl and tell you what I think.