Synthetic Created by: HJ117 This amzing track taking almost 25 hours to make is my first ever made on the main floor of sandbox and will not be the last the 44 second racetrack has many great bank turns including a sweet wall corner turn please enjoy my newest track and download! RACETRACKS Battle Snipes Battle Lasers Pics: Overviews: start first bank second bank third bank (wave) begining of hill ending of hill fourth bank drift turn fifth bank straight away small hill then ending Synthetic Please enjoy Download and leave comments thanks!
that finish doesn`t look entirely cheatproff. the track desing itself though rivals those of shaddoblade and dream. so curvy and smooth, easy to follow yet hella fun. probabaly would work well with battle snipes, which i see you have listed to download. ill get a game on it to morrow when i try out dream`s new track, you know, the one with the rocketship.
Your done already? I thought it'd take you longer than that to finish up this track this grand! Didn't you just get your xbox back, like, a day ago? Well anyways, the final product turned out great. Every turn along the sky-track is banked proportionately, it looks incredibly smooth, and the track itself is really long (44 second laps?! wow). Seems like you had to squeeze out every object from the ONL object limit to create a track this long. =D I'd go on and talk about the gameplay as well, but unfortunately my xbox stopped working a few days ago, so I can't give my opinion on that until it is fixed. I'll make sure to update my post as soon as I can, though.
Glad to see another track from you, hj. You are continuously getting better, and this map is not exception. It is really smooth, has a nice variety of turns and hills, and is uncheatable. I would have like to see something other than the shield door U-turn at the end, but it works fine. Great job. There's nothing bad to say about this one.
Gotta give you props on this. The race track is very well interlocked and forged itself. It is also entertaining to go around it. Only suggestion I have is: The Skybubble!!!. Good Job 4/5
Is it cheatproof? And more importantly what happens to one who falls off? And MORE importantly perfect forging because I'd give it a 5/5.
yes Cheatproof i have no more objects for teleposters so there is a re-entry place at begining that works thanks
i really really love this its smooth with steep banks & waves, i dont see any flaws really. its amazing
thanks alot Thanks alot although i thought you could have found a few problems but if not thats great! thanks again thanks Lewis your avalanche track was great to i never really was good at forging on avalanche so good job
the track desing itself though rivals those of shaddoblade and dream. so curvy and smooth, easy to follow yet hella fun. probabaly would work well with battle snipes, which i see you have listed to download.
Holy snapple apples i forgot to comment your map HJ, But yea i love this track, This is the best map from you so far. Its well put together with a good layout, Only my complaint was the ending is kind of ruff. Besides that everything else is good to go, Keep it up HJ,4.5/5 -SLiK
Nice map HJ I'm quite impressed, but like slik said the ending was kinda bad. Also I think next time add something special because I like an scenery when I race. But that's just my opinion. 4.25/5
the link to the game varients dont work. Your map is truly amazing forging, 5/5 10/10 very smooth and Cheatproof and nice long track! A+ for you!
This reminds me of a map called Piggy Track. It takes up the same general area and uses a similar starting setup. Still, it's original and very well-made. Well done.
thanks alot my new map will done pretty soon itll be long to : ) "Snapple Apples" haha lol the ending does need a lil work i think my new map will be better dont worry o and sorry about racing the other day i just thought it was funny running off the ttrack a million times hehe