Talk about it Join me on Halo Crusades! ^^^Click To Join^^^ It will get me a referall xD I've liked it, I think I played the beta a long time ago. It's kinda fun, just to every once in a while to log on and update your dude. I'm thinking about starting a team. I just started tonight, so if you wanna join, start with me. I think the best thing to do when you first start out is to make an account, and just train it for like a week, before fighting. I did that in beta, and my record was like 250-4, it was pretty nice. It's cooler now, so go check it out! If you have a question about the game, PM me. I'd like to help
That's what you should expect from a browser based game. If you do play it, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it for the first week or so, and then begin to get bored and stop playing it soon enough.
Posting a link to that website is against the rules on many websites. I don't think it would be wise to post it.
Not this one. This is a post to site revolving around the same game, but it's made for a completely different reason. There's no way it could "steal" members from FH.