Sandbox Cape Canaveral

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Cape Canaveral
    Created By: oO SLiK Oo & x DREAM 76 x

    Gametype Supported: Battle Tracks
    Recommended Players: 8-16

    Cape Canaveral is our new track forged on the main level of Sandbox. This ambitious project was forged over the course of one week. The map was traded off several times between SLiK and DREAM. SLiK forged the entire track surface. DREAM was responsible for the design, elevator, spawn, aesthetics, weapons, lighting & bordering.

    The map was very fun to make and was a challenge as well. We started with the space shuttle platform. Next we worked on the tunnel and forged the elevator. SLiK basically forged the track around the space shuttle base. Some of the banks and power drops he came up with here are awesome. The more I race this track the more I can't stop. This is an amazing design and the track flows effortlessly from one transition to another. Once the last piece of track was completed I was able to finish the tunnel and border the spawn area. We found that the ideal place for the goal point was in close proximity to the spawn. The tunnel then leads way to the tracks main attraction, the space shuttle. We wanted the feel of the aesthetics to mimmic a summer dawn on the Florida coastline. We concluded that the combination of juicy and colorblind worked best at creating this desired effect. The chosen weapons and placement will really keep the map exciting for a long time to come. I enjoyed working with SLiK. It is an honor and I feel really good presenting this theme map to the community.

    We want to dedicate this map to the space program and the men and woman who lost there lives exploring the boundaries of space travel. Especially the Challenger mission. Thank you NASA for planning further, exciting missions to Mars and beyond..

    We also want to thank our friends & the party who helped us beta test the map. This gave us the ability to take some nice screen shots. DL our latest track and don't hesitate to get a large Battle Tracks party going! Have fun and please leave a comment on your reaction & your experience. Thank you and enjoy the show..











    ----Cape Canaveral ----
    #1 x DREAM 76 x, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  2. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Looks like an okay racetrack, but I only download tracks that have something special about them, like the trees on Space and the Woods or the difficulty of Quantum. In my opinion, there's nothing that sets this map apart from any other racetracks on the floor of Sandbox. Maybe if you put something significant in this map, I would DL. I can see that you put a lot of effort in though, so...

  3. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Dude are you seriously saying this. Me and dream puts hours of work in this. Theres a freaking space ship in middle of the map. The track itself is amazing. What more would you want on a space ship. You dont know what your talking about. Maybe download it for once. Ha.
  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    omg, i laughed so hard at that. lol. I have to say, i cant agree more. The rocket is beautiful. the banks are perfect, the entire map is full of purified awesomeness... and, yeah... I don't quite understand the shield door lift yet. but once i download, i'll take a look. this is definatly goign in our track list.
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This map is beastly. I would just leave it at that, but punishment would surely follow. Anyway, the track itself is a work of art, as it winds and twists its way about the main tier of Sandbox. It is uber-smooth and lined up perfectly, already making it one of the most beautiful tracks out there. But that wasn't enough for these two. Added aesthetics, including a friggin rocket ship, provide beautiful scenery for those not content with the track itself. And all of it was done in a week's time? Wow. I don't give maps ratings anymore, but this one truly deserves a 10/10
  6. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    The Track itself does look flawless, unbelievable. Its like booming out and around in large enormous turns, it really makes you feel..powerful. The spaceship itself doesn't look that great or large, which is acceptable, because the map is meant for racing, not aesthetics. If it is at all possible, try to either add to the ship maybe, or make a satellite or something around the outside, thatd be sick. very nice though, very nice. 10/10
  7. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I don't know how many racetracks you've seen recently, but it shouldn't be enough for you to not be amazed after seeing a racetrack of such awesomeness. I'll agree with you on one part: it's not particularly original, so there isn't much to separate this track from the others. That doesn't mean you should me dissapointed in this one, though. It even has a unique elevator at the start to fulfill your needs; so I'm guessing you didn't pay much attention to the pictures before you posted this. Disregarding that, the track is forged flawlessly; there's not a single bump and all the turns were banked well. If this race map doesn't please you, I'm not sure what will. There simply isn't enough originality out there to meet your needs. That, or you have something against racetracks as a whole. If that's the case, you seriously shouldn't have posted here.
    #7 CyraxZ, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    what kind of garbage reply is that? dream and friend spent forever on this and...( looks back at pictures and jaw re-drops) it is absolutly stunning. shaddoblade even said it was good and he's a track genious. i think, and alot of peoploe will agree with me here, that the reply section is for critisisum and paragraphs of flattering comments. not 2-3 vauge things that are in the majority of race maps nowadays.
    and to fousu= ? what. you just rated a map completely biased. if you think you can make somthing even half as good as dream, then you go right ahead. if not shut yer pie hole. we all heard people like you biasing to get your post count up. nobody cares.
    to slik and dream, i see a feature coming your way. future congratz if you get it. keep making secksy tracks, you should join up with shaddo and have a 3 way track build, could be interesting.

    oh, and atm, you have aboout 30 more downloads then you do views. how is that possible?
    #8 pinohkio, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I'm happy that I changed your map. I got the radio antennae that was on top of that stone platform removed by smashing it down onto Last Chaos 7's mongoose and knocking him off.

    Random off topicness aside; very nice map. I like the elevator a lot mainly because it's a badass revamp of the one from Quasar. I guess the shuttle is okay, but it would probably look better if it was slightly bigger. The track itself is very smooth (duh) and I really liked the flow of the turns. 5/5
  10. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Well done you two :D
    The track pictures make you feel like its pretty bad ass, especially seeing that drop wooden bridge spiral. I have not raced it yet because im in between internets right now... but if that spiral rides as amazing as it looks, Slik you may be the best race track forger ever :0
    Anyways, I love the design and the accent, it's great to see people really giving tracks more feel these days :]
    P.S. Nothing against Dream, he's great but i feel that Slik should have posted this map... for 2 reasons.
    1. Slik and Dream both made Quasar but Dream got most to all of the credit.
    2. If this gets featured on Dreams account most people who will download this will think that Dream did it all... most people don't read descriptions... :p

    So point being Slik could get a bit more credit this time than he did with Quasar. :]

    Scrumptous race track guys, I love it already. :D

  11. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Crap! This is awesome forging, and it's original. My only concern is for the poor soul who falls off the thing. What then?
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    There are actaully several ways to get back on the track. There are several portals and even a giant ramp to dirve back onto. Let me know how you liked the track after you get a chance to check it out. Thanks!
  13. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Jesuslike. That's all I can say, the objects are literally perfected. Me and Jnewcomb studied the track for a good 20 minutes, and to our disapointment did not find one bump and or sloppy object.. The gameplay was orgasmic for Battle Lasers leaving me plenty of cover and amazing lines of sight. I have to be honest, the scenery was decent, not saying it was bad but did not completely blow me away. I did not fully understand the look of the space shuttle, but that is probally just me. The elevator was very clever and I loved how towering it became after being revamped from Quasar. I did happen to see one team go flying past the shield door the bounces you onto the track, the cannons sending them flying into the sky and once or twice, if I hit it at an angle or did not get enough speed it would not work correspondingly. Overall, the track really is a masterpeice and better f**king get featured. Great job, we'll try to get the video done as soon as Newcomb gets his fat ass ready haha :p
  14. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    I hate you.

    Look at the incredible smoothness this track has. It's good length and has great banks and waves. And what about that huge ass elevator. It's so fun, and really tall, and 100% flaw free, or at least when I played the map it was.
  15. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks for the heads up on the elevator. I saw it happen once in a party tonight. SLiK and I just took a look at it and we fixed it. We even tweaked the grav lift. V2 is up now. Thanks again.
  16. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    yeah this was alot of fun testing.... i'm basically going to say everything everyone else already said except that one guy lol.... and yes the friggen rocket is a bunch of awesomesauce! The turns on this map are super smooth and very well done, the asthetics which I don't particuarly care for (it's just it doesn't affect the track at all) are amazing, and the elevator makes you go WOAH! lol.. .and Yes I remember that pro forge lol your evil

    Tiny things to fix that would make it better if possible : add a sheild door literally right before the checkpoint on the left side... I know that me and some of my friends have hit that wall and gotten turned around and in some rare cases sent into a flipping frenzy lol... the other thing would be to make the spawn area more protected due to the fact that there was too much spawn killing especially in battle lasers

    Great track though! as I said those are minor but the track itself is amazing!
    #16 last_chaos_7, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  17. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I played on this and I was sure this was the next race map to be featured here. I'll bet the staff is already working on a write-up for this. The elevator is very smooth, and of course so is the track. The theme and aesthetics of the map just ice the cake.
  18. loco

    loco Ancient
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    This is a fantastic racemap, however, with exception to the scenery... it's nothing that we haven't already seen. Don't get me wrong, it follows every little bit of racetrack making perfection, and the theme is original. But the aesthetics is certainly not what anyone should ever focus on in a racetrack.

    The best racetrack makers are those that bring new ideas to the track. I daresay when elevators were first introduced, my mind was blown. This map, perfects those elevators, and that's great, but there's nothing new and exciting.

    I challenge you guys to come up with something that no one has ever been able to accomplish in a racetrack, thought up of, or done so it's a usable feature.

    This map is a prime example of the current "generation" of racetrack standards. However, I think you'd go farther by doing something new. Therefore, 8/10.

    Edit: The elevator does not work whenever two people go in it at the same time. At least one of them will not make it up. Sadly removing this map from being able to be used in tournament play. Also, the elevator itself is more of a man cannon elevator than a shield door elevator. This reinforces my less than perfect score.
    #18 loco, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks for the heads up on that one missing barrier near the goal. I noticed that a few people were falling off there too. We just updated it now. So now there is a version 3. Everything is perfect now.
  20. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Dream why must you constantly make me feel like a mediocre forger with your ability to pump out feature-worthy racetracks like you do this in your sleep! I just have one question I am still looking for some help with fixing the glitch where the walls save crooked when they are suspened by nothing any suggestions?


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