Well for sure it is a hell of a lot more fun for most games. My question is though; do you play better compared to the controller? I'm thinking about the top games such as Forza 2, Burnout, Colin Mcrae and PGR here. Also it depends on what steering wheel you have i suppose. I got me the xbox 360 on brand one which is rather good. Discuss
I personally hate when videogames try to be realistic. so NO. I do not like sterring wheels. for wii the wheel pissed me off for mario cart, and I hate every other game that uses it. I just wanna turn my thumb to the left or right a lil bit to turn. If people like the real-life experience (even though they can get it from real cars) then go ahead and do it.
Force feedback wheel is ok. It's better on less realistic driving games like PGR and Colin Mcrae, because turning is relatively easy. If your playing Forza with realistic settings, the learning curve for the steering wheel is incredibly difficult and you will spend a lot of time just getting into the feel of it, where with PGR you will have grasped it after a lap. And Forza is the best racing game out there. Although GRID and Colin Mcrae are a good laugh.
I like GRID more than Forza 2, it is a bit less realistic and for some reason I found that I was driving not to get to the next race, but for fun. In Forza I was trying to rank up and make money. I have the Microsoft wheel and I hate it. It takes up space and I once left it at a friend's house for over a year, no joke. See I drive a BMW in real life which has a great feel of the road unlike my mom's Lexus which feels like there is a wire between the car and the steering wheel. I really like the sort of stiff feel of my car's wheel and the Xbox 360 feels even looser than my mom's car. If I had my BMW's wheel then maybe I would like it more. I'm really hope that Forza 3 drops the ultra realistic feel and goes for something a little more fun like Burnout Paradise. I would take fun over realism any day, I wish that some game companies would realize that.
Forza's definitely sticking with realism, so no luck there. Might I suggest Need for Speed Shift? It's a apparently very similar to Forza in many ways, but alot of people say that it's more gamey and less realistic. I think that'd be your best bet. Besides, Criterion's actually developing NFS:S, so it will probably feel like a Forza and Burnout combined.