need offical name

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by dark sil4nce, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. dark sil4nce

    dark sil4nce Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well this is the second version of my new map attempting to combine amplified and onslaught. the middle doesn't look right to me but i have it like that for now but i think it should be more open just cant get an idea for it

    A/B base

    Red Base

    Gold Base




    i dont think the middle flows well with it so if anyone has any suggestions post them please also any comments and criticism is needed

    so that means post what you like what you dont like what you think should be improved and so forth
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Fix your wall. I see places I can escape. Also, don't add cover. Add map Geometry. The geometry IS your Cover.

    And on the sides I don't really like the single stairs just pointing out of the side things. Don't really have anything else to say about that.
  3. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    What bluejay said and also in mlg all movable scenery items have to have a weaponholder ontop to prevent them from movig. Overall it looks well forged but still just an average mlg map.
  4. dark sil4nce

    dark sil4nce Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the comments im still trying to make it inescapable and what do you mean the geometry is the cover?
  5. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    geometry as cover means dont use barricades, dumpsters or random walls as cover. If your map is too open and lacks cover then add more buildings- doubleblocks and walls arranged to flow into the actual map. Dont set down blocks and walls where you see necessary, make them part of the map. Make them agree with the rest of the scenery.

    Think of when you are getting shot at, you run for cover. Sometimes that cover is a random object, sometimes you hide behind a building.
    I will bring to example Ghost Town, Look at the giant wall with the tunnel under it. The one near overshield spawn. Bungie wanted to divide these playing areas, instead of placing random cover, they made a giant wall.
    #5 AlexIsCoool, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well said. ALl you really have to do is think of a Bungie made map. They don't just lay cover anywhere, but create geometry where the sightlines are too good, where the place is too open, etc.
  7. dark sil4nce

    dark sil4nce Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thanks i will work on all of that

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