Okay I am now using safari 4 and google chrome because firefox keeps crashing.... a screen shot in enclosed below.. i have already surfed through firefox support page and nobody has the answer. so has this happened to you? do u know how to fix it? ADD-ONS INSTALLED Adblock Plus 1.1 Gmail Manager StumbleUpon 3.38 Sxipper 2.2.2 Theme Chromifox Basic 1.1.3
I can still read the names...failure. Anyways, have you tried disabling all your extensions, then debugging which one is causing the problem?
Are you running the 32-bit version of Vista, or the 64-bit? If you're running 64-bit, try downloading Minefield.
I uninstalled all extensions and then the same thing happened I'm using 32-bit vista WTF r u smoking? I'm 15 and thx for all the help
No I can't say this has ever happened. But, because of reasons similar to this I've decided to get a Mac. lol
low memory? Whats your VRAM? And theres a code you type into the URL bar where you can change all of the firefox settings. Might be something there.
How do I check my ram? And I've never changed anything in about:config before.. Is it safe to mess around with?
go to that page and read the warning that comes up. To check your RAM, go to start menu, Right click on Computer, properties.
I've actually used to have this happen all the time but it barely happens any more. I have no clue what causes it to happen either, if I knew I would of fixed it by now and gave you advice on what to do. Picture related...