MLG Waypoint Created by MLG Swipshot Supported Gametypes MLG Team Slayer MLG Oddball Download Link : Halo 3 File Details Weapons and Equipment Plasma Pistol - 1 Battle Rifle -4 Carbine - 2 Mauler - 1 Frag. Grenade - 6 Plasma Grenade - 4 Custom Power Up - 1 MLG Waypoint is another symmetrical map, and somewhat a small sized map, but also kinda complex, and very tactical. This map was created to be based off the main area, containing the plasma pistol, with symmetrical fence wall/cat walks on each side. At the corners on each side is a drop town, leading to a tunnel underneath the catwalk leading outside to a straight stretch to each side of the maps "A" and "B" carbine towers, these towers have somewhat of a clear shot across map to each other and a great bit of vision for the side of the map the tower resides. Straight off from the main base is a walk way to the custom powerup, and a bridge in between. Underneath the bridge is where the mauler is located, in the middle of the map. The custom power up zone. Is protected almost completley except for a side jump up off a crate on each side. Overview Shot 1 Overview Shot 2 Mauler Custom Power Up "A" Side Tower "B" Side Tower "A" Side Catwalk/Tunnel "B" Side Catwalk/Tunnel
How many players is this designed for? I haven't downloaded it yet, but from the screenshots it looks like it would only really work for 1v1 or 2v2. The map looks extremely small, maybe even cramped for a 1v1. Also, it looks extremely easy to break. You could easily grenade jump out of the map at multiple areas. Fusion coils are also hard to get away with on an MLG map. Forging looks decent, but you could use a little more interlocking (ie, the walls). Sorry if this comes across as negative but I'm just trying to give you helpful suggestions.
it's small, dull, boring and like tanks said easy to get out.... i suggest putting more things in it and make it bigger.... maybe since i bet u didn't use all the parts try putting roof on it or a second story
Pretty much. I can't even imagine this with 3-6 people. Nice layout, good forging, but it's more of a skill duel type map. I guess I don't have any advice because this map looks perfect for what it is. So, nice work. Next time build a bigger map.