Enclosed Echoes Hi all, it's been ages since i released some maps, mainly because I've been busy building other ones or just been to plain lazy to actual make the post, well, a couple of days ago, I finally finished a map pack that I've been working on for the past couple of months, on and off. I took aload of screenshots yesterday, I think it's just under the 20 limit, but I'm not sure, so just bear with me if I have to make a second post to fit the screenies. You might be wondering why I named the pack Enclosed Echoes, and the answer is simple- the three maps included in the pack are all enclosed in a sector of Foundry. (Although one of them is rather large to be called enclosed; it covers half of Foundry.) So, here they are, in they're nice, shiny, Foundry-like glory... Alteraxion Alteraxion Spoiler Alteraxion is by far the largest map in the pack, and works well with about 6-8 people. It plays with Team Slayer, Free For All, CTF (Both Types) and Territories. Weapons List (Name - Respawn - Spare Clip/s) 4 ARs - 30 secs - 2 7 BRs - 30 secs - 2 1 Shotgun - 60 secs - 2 1 Sniper - 60 secs - 2 2 SMGs - 45 secs - 2 2 Magnums - 45 secs - 2 2 Plasma Rifles - 45 secs - N/A 2 Needlers’ - 60 secs - 2 1 Rocket - 90 secs - 1 4 Carbines - 45 secs - 2 1 Mauler - 60 secs - 2 1 Beam Rifle - 60 secs - N/A 2 Human Turrets - 120 secs - N/A Grenades/Equipment List (Grenades Are All On 10 Second Respawn.) 10 Frags 10 Plasmas' 1 Bubble Shield - 60 secs 1 Regenerator - 60 secs 1 Overshield - 90 secs (There is also 1 mongoose, on a 60 second spawn, in the attackers base.) Screenshots This is an overview of most of the map from the attacker's base, you can't quite see it, but to the left is the giant wall which encloses this map. This is the attackers base, I decided to use maps geometry to home it, giving me more room in the middle of the map to build. This is one of two small defender's bases which take up the back wall of the map. Behind the window panels is a beam rifle, held against the double box. (The overshield cannot be taken and is there for aesthetic purposes only.) Here you can see the other small base, where, in CTF, it holds the flag on the top along with a br and two plasma greandes. You can see that behind the fencewalls on the bottom left, there is the useable overshield. And now for the last of Alteraxion's screenshots, and perhaps the most central part of where most of the action takes place, the rocket bridge, made up of fencewalls. Well, there's the first of three, and, incase you missed it, here's download link again - Alteraxion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Etheral Etheral Spoiler Now, going from biggest to smallest in one huge leap, we get to Etheral, a map so small, I literally couldn't fit any other gametype on it but slayer, I have to warn you now (If it isn't self explanatory) I really wouldn't play anything other than 1v1s, it is that small. Unless you want to just have a huge mess of fun and spawn killing that is Weapons List (Name - Respawn - Spare Clip/s) 3 ARs - 45 secs - 1 4 BRs - 30 secs - 2 1 Sniper Rifle - 90 secs - 1 2 SMGs - 60 secs - 1 1 Magnum - 60 secs - 2 1 Plasma Rifle - 45 secs - N/A 1 Needler - 60 secs - 1 1 Carbine - 30 secs - 2 1 Mauler - 90 secs - 1 Grenade/Equipment List (All Grenades Are On 10 Second Respawn.) 4 Frags 6 Spike Grenades 1 Power Drain - 90 secs 1 Flare - 90 secs (You may think that having that many spike grenades is over powered, that's your decision to make, but personally, I think that, unless you stick someone, which is quite difficult in such quick combat, they don't have much usage.) Screenshots To start off, this is the right hand side of the map, its quite plain, but has some insteresting angles, with the stairs being in such a small place. You can also see a single box open in this picture, which holds the mauler (90 seconds respawn with 1 spare clip.) This is the right hand side of the map, not including the small room i will mention in a minute. As you can see this side has two levels, split by a floor of fencewalls. Behind the window panel you can just about see on the right, is the sniper rifle, which is easily accessed either by jumper up the dumpster or the crate from below. Here is underneath the fencewalls on the left side of the map, you can see the dumpster mentioned in the last screenshot caption. Just below where I took this screenie from is where the energy drainer spawns. Here is the small room that you will spawn in at start and occasionally during game, it holds the two SMGs and a flare. And finally, here is a picture of the room above the one in the former screenshot, this one holds more start spawns, and two spawn points for during the game. Once more, just incase you missed the link before-hand, here it is - Etheral ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Laceration Laceration Spoiler Okey Dokey, this is it, my personal favourite, and the last map of this pack. It is bigger than Etheral, and yet smaller than Alteraxion. It is made for slayer games only, because I didn't see the point of putting objective games in when the map is only big enough to hold 4 players comfortably. So yeah, it works for any slayer gametype, however, i prefer to use Free For All, and as I said before, it can hold from 2-4 players well. Weapons List (Name - Respawn - Spare Clip/s) 3 ARs - 45 secs - 1/2 5 BRs - 30 secs - 2 2 Sniper Rifles - 90 secs - 1 1 SMG - 45 secs - 2 1 Spiker - 45 secs - 2 1 Magnums - 45 - 1 1 Plasma Rifles - 45 - N/A 1 Needlers - 45/60 secs - 1 2 Carbines - 45 secs - 2 (Yeah, I know what you're thinking about the snipers, I thought it too when I first put them in, "These are going to be sooo overpowered" But, never the less, I tested them else, and, as luck would have it, they actually work really well, try em' out for yourselves, you'll see what I mean.) Grenades/Equipment List (I Say This One Last Time; All Of The Grenades Are On A 10 Second Respawn.) 6 Frags 6 Spike Grenades 1 Radar Jammer - 60 1 Flare - 60 And, now, for what most have you most likely skipped to if you read my map intro, enter... Screenshots The best overview I could get, it shows the abandoned bunker on the left, the wall corner-corner, and the left fencewall area. This is a better view of the left hand side, as you can see, it incorporates fencewalls as flooring, like the other two of my maps, because i like that the abilty to shoot through them. This is yet another view of the left side, taken from underneath the fencewall floor, it shows the carbine spawn and a fusion coil. (And no, you cannot get underneath that double wall. ) Once you walk up that double wall in the last picture, you end up here, in the sniper corridor, which, (obviously) holds one of the sniper rifles. (The other one is on the opposite side of the map behind a window panel on a fencewall catwalk.) In this screenie you can see a little area where I put some of the starting points, a carbine, a BR, and you can also see the beginning of the fencewall catwalk, which eventually leads to the second sniper. Finally, I show you the abandoned bunker that you can see in the overview, it holds the needler and a BR, it is quite a good spot to hold out temporarily, but it is prone to grenade kills. And, again, if you were clumsy enough to miss the download link all Three times (:P) here it is one more time: Laceration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Thats all from me for now, I really hope you enjoy the maps and that you download them and give me constructive comments for the maps. Thanks once more, Hazza
These map look really well forged and the interlocking is neat. I think you have too many power weaponsin the first map though, but my thoughts of it may change when I DL them and try them out. Overall though you did a nice job. Keep up with the excellent work!
Thanks for the good comment, I know what you mean about the power weapons, but I think, aslong as you have 6-8 players, the weapons are so widespread between each team you'll hardly notice how many there are, especially the rockets, the ammo dissapears really quickly.
Hmmm.... there have been alot of "map packs" lately. But yours isn't sandbox. I guess you're the type of person who didn't get with the times, but that's good. Because when super-forgers like you get down to it, they may just make better maps on foundry than sandbox. Nice work.
Wow, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I noticed the map packs myself, which is partly why I considered making one in the first place, but honestly, even though I was looking forward to sandbox from the time it was talked about first-off, I just can't forge on it, I've tried multiple times, I don't know what it is, I just can't build maps on it like I can foundry. I'm happy you like the maps though,
Hazza! Long time no see, I had no idea you were posting all these. From experience, seeing the production of all three of the maps, I know a little on how gameplay works. Alteraxion is surprising to me, since this is like one of your biggest map you've ever made or what I've seen from you. I think Slayer and CTF are great on this. The merging is top notch and clean and the interlocking is fantastic. The only issue is the weapons' respawn times. The rocket is at a 90 second respawn, which an extra clip? That’s 4 shots every 90 seconds. That’s overdoing it. With an extra clip I'd say go to 120 to 180 seconds. Same with the sniper, I know you love your sniper, but give it proportion. If you have more than 1 sniper on the map, 2 let's say, looks at it like this; you have one sniper and you split it in half and put 2 in your map. Lessen the clips, and up the respawn time, if there’s no extra clips you can keep it at 60 seconds, but 1 clip is 90 to 150 seconds. Same with Shotty, beam rifle and turrets, but please with the shotgun put only 0 to 1 extra clips on it and up the respawn time to 60 to 150 seconds. Ok, onto Laceration. Laceration is a great 1v1 or 2v2 map, or an FFA. I love the bunker and the catwalks on the map, really clean forging. No weapon issues this time, you got the respawn times good! It might have seemed 2 snipers are overpowering, but really they weren't and that's a good thing to know. Personally, I like this map the best out of the others, although all of these are amazing. Now I've never played Etheral, but I could comment on what I see. It looks small, good for 1v1 but only 1v1 or FFA. It looks really good in forging terms, I like what you did with the box in the second picture(On the right). Weapons are again good, but the only problem/question I have is in the last picture, that room, is the only entrance through the hole in the floor? Overall, these are some really great maps, and all of them are unique and provide great gameplay. Great job, Hazza. -Dylan
Hey Dylan, jeaz, huge comment , great to know you care that much bout' meh maps. Onto your stuffs and questions... I know what you mean about Alteraxion, I agree the clips are quite big, and the gameplay is focused quite alot around people managing to control the power weapons. Once I get back off my holiday and I don't have to rush anything I'll definately patch up a bit. (Oh yeah, it was my biggest map, but, right now I am just finishing building my new biggest map, which is currently unnamed: If you come online i'll show you it.) As for Etheral and Laceration, thanks for the really great comments,I made sure all the merging was smooth and objects clean and such, especially on Laceration. I was quite lucky on Etheral in that respect. The answer to your question is yes, that is the only way in, so yes, the person with the mauler, if they last long enough, can camp up there temporarily, which brings me onto the fact that because the upper room is so small, you can get real easy grenade kills on the camper. Once again, thanks for the real good comment. Oh yeah, and MGT, I'm sure me and most other people of the forgehub community would prefer more than just a 1 liner as a comment, and, although you mean well, I'd much prefer you to actually say stuff about the seperate maps and so on. Thanks anyways.