There was a map here, but due to helpful comments, I am now making the map better and will release an updated version probably later today. PLEASE LOCK
It is pretty well made, but if this is all about your centerpiece why not add pics of the inside and such. More pics of the outside pieces would also be good
Out of the whole map the middle structure is what keeps this map in play. The other parts of the maps sadley arent the best, and sorry thats just how I feel about it. I would of took a little bit more time and interlocked some cover structures or something instead of standing up walls etc. Its a fairly nice map, again the middle structure is one of a kind, just needs a bit spicing up around the other parts of the map. 3/5.
You should post some more pics of the bases, all of your pics pretty much show the amaxing centerpiece. Slayer looks really good for this map, but you should also make it compatible for assault and CTF.
Thanks for the feedback. I shall get to work today and add on to the map and make it better. I would like the thread to be locked now.