I think that all of the sigs except #4 have a bit of a problem with the focal being too small/not taking up enough canvas space. 1. The colors going over the face look a little odd... I would try to have a single color overlaid on the focal. The colorization of the background is pretty cool. 2. I really like this sig. They minimalist style is really cool. The edges of the thick lines are a bit jagged, they need to be cleaned up a bit. The text is good. Otheriwse, not too much to say. This is my favorite sig out of these new one. Nice work. 3. This is my least favorite of these new sigs. The color/tint of the render is weird... the woman looks really pale and creepy... I am not a huge fan of the background either. Overall, the colors in this sig are dull and faded. 4. I really like this sig. The colorization of the background in this one is really cool. The placement/size of the render is really good in this one. I like the lighting a lot in this sig. The text is nice. Good work. 5. The grayscale in this sig is ok, but I really liked the colors you have in you other new sigs, so I would like to have seen color in this one. The smudging/simulated motion in this sig is really well done. The flow is interesting. The lighting is pretty good, though it is the inverse of normal sig lighting (dark on the sides and light in the middle). Overall, it is a pretty good sig. Nice work. These are pretty good sigs, good work.
2 is my fave. There all kinda boring and LQ. :< I see some stocks from the other Ice's stock pack.. :E
oh no....two ice's now everyone is going to have to learn to spell icecikle...5 would have been best if it had color.