Sandbox Outlawed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Decadence Night, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    Map Name:

    Description (as seen in browser):
    Final update of my Hang 'em High remake. If you liked the original, you'll love this. 4-12 players.


    The most recent update. Windows on the front of blue base. These are the most accurate I've seen.

    Looking up at blue base and the sniper tower from the middle of the map.

    Catwalks, OS platform, and sniper tower.

    Roof of blue base.

    Rocket spawn, and red base in the distance.

    Shotgun hallway inside blue base.

    Bottom ramps of red base.

    Top ramps of red base.


    Map Description

    In case you couldn't already tell, Outlawed is a remake of my favorite Halo map of all time, Hang 'em High. Almost every detail of the original map is present; the catwalks, the tombstones (somewhat accurately placed), the ramps (perfectly placed), the corridors within blue base, and the same exact weapon layout, with pistols swapped for BRs, and with half the number of grenades (as you can only hold half as many in H3 as in H1.) I have also taken the liberty to swap the two health packs for eqipment; one with a bubble shield, and one with a regenerator. It gives combat for this map an interesting twist, especially in CTF. The only element of HeH missing from Outlawed is the central trench. Adding a trench is possible, but to do so would require raising the floor with blocks, and such an amount of objects would take away from the details I painstakingly added. In order to compensate for the loss of cover, I added some tombstones to the ground. I feel that it does suffice, and that Outlawed still looks and feels almost exactly like its predecessor.

    Weapon Layout

    x2 Battle Rifles
    x4 Shotguns
    x1 Sniper Rifle
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    x2 Plasma Rifles
    x3 Needlers

    x4 Frag Grenades
    x4 Plasma Grenades
    x1 Bubble Shield
    x1 Regenerator
    x1 Overshield
    x1 Active Camo


    Map Download

    File set with additional screenshots

    #1 Decadence Night, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Great map remake. Got to say that this is one of the best remakes i have seen. Nobody can really perfect some of these structures, but i find that you have done it quite nicely. Forging is very nice as well, i will have to play this with my friend tommorow morning.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Dude, you did an awesome job on the main structure, or the blue base as you called it. The red base is a little too small, but thats just me being picky. I personally think that this is extremely close to a perfect remake, we could only get better if its possible to go above the object limit.

    Hang em high; My favorite map.
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This is an awesome remake. It almost looks exactly like the real thing. It is very hard to get everything 100% perfect, but you did a very nice job.
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Well... I don't see why this would be in the aesthetics section but... good map. For aesthetics standards I'd give it a 5/10, but for competitive standards (the type you SHOULD have catagorized it by) I'd give it an 8-8.5/10. In the first picture, is that supposed to be the hangman's noose? You could've been more original. But anyway if you're not regarding aesthetics I'd say it's... average.
  6. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    i put it in the aesthetics section because i focused more on recreating the look of HeH rather than the feel. i put one of my earlier editions of this map in the competitive section a few months ago and it got no attention.

    Is that a metaphor, or are you being serious? It's just a sniper tower. It's not supposed to represent anything but the sniper tower in the original map.

    It is the right size in comparison to the blue base, but the scaling is a little off on the top ramps in comparison to the original map. I'll work on it and see if I can get it right. I'm surprised somebody caught that ;)
  7. Monitor

    Monitor Ancient
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    I really think this is more of a competitive map because i did some gameplay on and worked out very well, 4/5
  8. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    You apparently have never played Hang 'em High before. You should try it before critiquing it.
  9. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Only thing i think would make this even better was if you raised the whole map up a little bit so you can have the ditch in the middle, Other than that this looks fantastic but shouldn't it be in the competitive map section or something?
  10. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I put it in the competitive section as well, but I see it more as an aesthetic map because I focused more on making it look like the original than anything else.

    As I said in the post, it is possible to raise the floor and make a trench, but doing so takes an inordinate amount of objects, and that would mean taking away from the accuracy of the main structures. I'm thinking of making a budget glitched version, but I'm still working on a couple of other maps right now.
  11. CJizzle01

    CJizzle01 Ancient
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    Dude? have you played Halo 1? this is a remake of the map Hang 'em High. Learn Halo history before you critique remakes of past maps.

    Anyways, Awesome map. but i hate you because I just started making a HeH remake. Well, urs turned out waaay better than mine would've.

  12. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    hahaha. I'll take that as a compliment. :D

    and no worries, just do the best you can. there's no way yours can be worse than the dozens of crappy HeH remakes I've seen. In fact, my first attempt was pretty bad. It was when I started over completely and then updated it more than 10 times that it got to this level.

    I'm not sure why this was moved to competitive, but ok. It mirrors the original much better in aesthetics than gameplay, IMO.
    #12 Decadence Night, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  13. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    yea, it is as close as your going to get it... Remakes are really the hardest type of map to get down... especially if you are going from halo CE to halo 3... Health packs, AR CE to AR H3, jumps, lack of weaponry all together in CE... All of this is extremely hard to carry over. Halo 3 has evolved so much from its predecessor its hard to compare.

    Well on to your map... It is by far a beautiful peace of work... And you chose a hard map to remake. Not because of its architecture (while it is unique) but because of the magnitude of the map's size. When a person downloads a map that was recreated from another game they are looking for one of two things...
    A) that it looks close to the original
    B) it Plays EXACTLY like the original

    And option b is the hardest to pull off. But your map captures game play as close to the original as possible... or so i can tell. I have yet to play it with 6 or more people but I'm looking forward to trying it. The transfer over is the hardest part of any map. Going from thought to pen and paper to game design itself. And this is what you and me strive for in a map, if you look at my map and your map what they have in common is the accuracy to detail and game play. And this is what makes a map not only good, but down right impressive and jaw dropping.

    Ps: I especially like the intro panorama of the map... its really cool. =D

    keep up the good forging and keep in touch of any other remakes you do.
  14. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    Wow... thanks. I've never heard it put quite like that before, but you're exactly right. Honestly I focused more on making it look like the original, then most of the gameplay stuff sort of fell into place. All I had to do was rescale some of the buildings to keep the jumps accurate, drop the # of grenades, and swap pistols for BRs. The only hard part was deciding how to deal with the trench. I played with 8 people before I added the tombstones to the middle, and gameplay on the ground was terrible. I have yet to test it since. I pleases me to hear that it holds up.

    I'd say that it looks almost exactly like the original, and that it plays damn close to the original. That's how I feel about it anyway, and I think I'm happy with that.
  15. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    This map is getting a special review ratting system because the creator wished for it to be done so the map is going to be ratted on how accurate it is to the original map in its game play and appearance. Also it will be judge on how much more accurate it is from other remakes of the same map.


    Appearance to Original Map- 1.8-Master Piece
    game play to Original Map- 1.4-Home Sweat Home
    Originality to other remakes- 0.5-Exotic
    presentation- 0.4-Entertaining

    Over all= 4/5

    With a doubt this is a great remake very accurate in many ways but there were still allot of stuff that was not added that would have made this remake allot better. They would have been a Challenge to make but if you were to put them in like the trench in the middle of the map this map could have been the best Halo remake ever on forgehub. Don't let that get you down the map is still great is looks just like the original map in almost every way and I love how you mad the shotgun spawn area it was very accurate.
    Nice job. :)

  16. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    thank you very much. I knew you'd like it.

    and as i've said multiple times, the trench was a necessary sacrifice to keep the rest of the map as accurate as possible. I direct your attention to Unforgiven. It has a trench, but look at all the inaccuracies. He even had to sacrifice accuracy in the trench itself, the thing he sacrificed so much else for, and made it a sudden drop instead of a slope. And I don't blame the map's creator at all. I didn't count them, but I'd bet that he used more than 50 objects to raise the floor for that trench. With that much of a loss, it's impossible to maintain utmost accuarcy of the rest of the map.

    With that in mind, I decided not to include the trench, and I feel that it was to the overall advantage of the map.

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