They should have put more armour in this game, for elites. what is it, 5 armour pieces for each area? WTF, no leg customization? Help me by signing this petition for Halo Reach to have much more armour, and more customizable features. Help, please! 1.DeatH to FooLs
I just wanted to point out that bungie has already stated time after time that they will NOT add new armor perms into halo 3.
Who cares, lol. And Benji is right, halo is one of the few fps games that has a changeable appearance.
Who said there were even going to have Elites in Halo: Reach's multiplayer? Where does it say we are going to be able to customize our character models to begin with? Bungie's said barely anything about the game, I think there is bigger things about Halo: Reach to worry about, besides, let Bungie do the Brain Storming, you do the listening to what they think up. Lastly, petitions + Bungie don't normally end well for the petitioner's side. Remember Lower The Guns? Remember how many people signed up, and its end result? Nothing changed.
They cannot add armor to Halo 3 because players that do not have the armor because they didnt download it wouldnt be able to see other players because there would be a coding issue and the game would screw up. Its like trying to play on Team Mythic if you do not have the legendary maps. Bungie wouldnt make armor add ons because they wouldnt make people download the armor to play online. And if someone with an armor add-on joined a custom game, it wouldnt work...
Just feel like I need to throw this in here, bungie didn't listen to this group the first time true. But they're still going. They plan on not playing on a future day, and a day sometime after that, and a day sometime after that if it doesn't work. So, perhaps persistence is the key.
Well, lets think about this for a second: In halo 2, you were allowed to become an elite and they continued that in Halo 3. Plus, in Halo 3, not only did they keep elites, they made them customizable. I am not worried about keeping the same number of armour perms, in fact, we probably will get more in Reach because, if you look at Bungies pattern, all they do, most of the time, is add things in. So if you didn't bother to read the whole post, I'll sum it up: 1. Halo: Reach will have multiplayer. I will owe everyone on Forgehub a cookie if it doesn't. 2. Bungie will most likely keep Elites as a multiplayer character purely because you could play as the Arbiter. 3.They will probably add not only more armour pieces, but add more areas to customize, because Bungie adds.
1: Probably correct. Can I has a cookie anyways? 2: I wouldnt be surprised if elites were not in multiplayer. But it isnt like bungie to remove parts from the game, but they have done that before- Halo 2 doesnt have the AR. Halo 3, they removed a campaign chapter. 3: It would be great to see leg customization and even customizing armor on the back would be cool.
You ddid not read. The idea of this thread was for people to talk about Halo Reach and Halo 3's Armour Premutations, and if they wanted sign a petition that has a 1 % chance of even being looked at by bungie. Not for them to add more armour into halo 3, because Bungie has bigger things to worry about, like Reach and ODST
To be honest, I like the choice the made. Customized armor just isn't that 'cool' as many people think it is.
Very much so. Armor does nothing. EVER. Bungie stated they will not make any more armor Perms for Halo 3. For ODST, they are making some new ones supposedly. Hope they make what you want or don't play Halo again. Petitions will do nothing.