Sandbox Flame

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by footballfan757, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    One Day me and my friend where bored so we started a Forge Wars. And when we where done I fixed it up and added some interlocking and here is what it is now. (Note: It is called flame because of the flamethrower in the air. And the kill ball that looks like a giant flame ball)

    With out anymore delay this is the map.

    OK the map is a free for all map.

    Over view


    Another Overview


    The kill ball


    The Sniper


    Download Link Flame

    This works with any free for all Slayer match.

    I hope you like this map.

    When Posting comments Please consider the time I put into this.
    And please no comments with just a rating. Please tell me how I can improve my map.

    #1 footballfan757, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  2. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Yes I cant interlock during forgewars that would take the purpose out of it. Not just about interlocking
  3. kollie0

    kollie0 Ancient
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    dude really what i would say is you download my map and i see your and maybe we both change our mind about the grades. and maybe we could even become friends :) i need people to forge with me
    #3 kollie0, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    The map looks pretty cool and I like the circle path around the kill ball but overall it could use some cleaning up. Layout is pretty good too but I'd recommend making it compatible for more gametypes. IMO flamethrowers are stupid but maybe that's just me and add a weapons list in the future. Keep forging.
  5. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    that's impressive, really creative for something that has been made in a forge war, you've got alot of fantasy to help out I see, great going, I would download it, though it's 2 o'clock at night and my download slots are full cuz of the other awesome maps lately (and that's 8 slots in one night, leaving out that I'm on every day).
    at any rate, great job, I'll download it tomorrow

    btw, kollie0, you could just ask for people to forge with in other sectors, at any rate, if you need anybody, I'm here for ya, even if you want to start from scratch, I'm building three maps right now and one of them is for the template contest, anyway, my gamertag: The Persister, so you could look me up if you wanna forge or something else, see ya around.
  6. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    This map seems to have a unique, but yet weird design, confusing me quite a bit. The name was a bit elusive at the beginning, but now I see why you named it this. I dislike flamethrowers, and some of the interlocking seems a bit sloppy, and doesn't make a nice circle around the kill ball.. (Some of the edges pop out from the walls more than they should in my opinion) I'll definetley download this and get back to you on gameplay in the near future..

    Btw, if you need anyone to forge with just add me.. Gamertag is crackah 4 lif33
  7. Vault Tec

    Vault Tec Ancient
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    Looks... sloppy. How could this be competitive? Many blocks visually look rough and out of place. Some parts of this look as if they serve no purpose other than to look cool. The key to designing a good map is form AND function. You might try polishing it a bit more and thinking how you could make this better for something along the lines of Objective or KoTH games. If you nail that down, often times you will find that the balance is the same for slayer games.
  8. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    By the way the flamethrower is out of reach where no one can get it is their for decoration
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    The only thing I can think of atm would be to place the rockets on the outer side of the kill ball, otherwise there is no reason to walk around the other side really. Interesting layout haha.
  10. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    OK that would be a good idea I will think about it when I get home. Thanks thats a very good idea
  11. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    scroll to summary if you just dont care....or cba =)

    Ok The map itself, is pretty epic...nuff said.
    Weapons...sort of bit awesome and a bit eurgh...
    the sword, great RvR. its a long open easily sniped walkway to a short ranged weapon.
    Beam Rifle: one is good, high up but very vulnerable....then the others have low RvR. all nicely hidden for snipers, get rid of some. mainly the ones in the middle near the brute shot....

    Flame thrower: get rid, doesn't make the map look any better, i know "flame" and all that but just a kill ball would do (but super high up) I'd say the same for hornet, maybe just one of the lights instead?

    Middle map weapon/nade placements: pretty packed to say the least, i was only 10 secs and i could get a brute shot, 2 spike nades and beam rifle. or brute shot, turret, power drain, 2 stickys, missile pod, flare. That is a f*** load of choice for one guy, i havent acctuly played this, so i might be wrong, but getting there first means the other team is screwed for then next minute or so. at least.

    Turrets: normally i wouldn't have them on a map which doesn't have 2 bases, sometimes not even then. But if you do, make sure its a big, open map with some cover though (Standoff) OR 2 turrets can mash each other (e.g. the pit). one in the middle and one out on the edge isn't fair nor could the one on the edge be used quickly to even up the middle ones advantage. terrible LoS.
    swap the end one with the sender node. or take the middle one, repeat the outside one again, even it up. but you've sort of made it known that the side by the hornet uses the middle (better one to own) one

    Active camo: nice, open, shield doors are a bit risky, but i haven't played so i'll guess thet are for other players protection not just when doing the camo-run.
    Overshield: *sighs* such a good start, i saw the camo and though "yay a good point". not so much with this, high and out the way, but good cover, easy to sneak up unspotted and a great Los of the middle walkway, this should be sniper, as well as the far out beam rifle, and thts all (or leave just a BR if the sniper below stayed instead).

    Kill ball: no one wants SMGs these days (dont know why) or at least not walking round a kill ball for one, would be good if it was KOTH and that was a place to hold, but other than that pointless.

    Map itself
    Gameplay (from the looks with different weapons)
    Some snipers,
    active camo,
    Map flow,
    LoS - it does sort of rock, loads of little view points as well as high grounds,
    Some RvR

    room for improvement:
    teleports (what is the point? some players hate them as well)
    Weapon Spacing,
    Weapon Balance,
    Snipers (the amount of),
    Power weapons in general (too many for this sized map),
    Kill ball (unless you made it KOTH compatable)

    The only problem with me saying all this is theres so many little walkways or paths to take sometimes all the power weapons will compliment each other, but they might just blow stuff up. But There are many good point, a V.2 will show promise, if the good stuff are re-cycled to work out the kinks with the map.

    just to add...The lack of interlocking is odd for such a map, but what the hey, edit all the weapons, interlock some to make pro-forgers happy i mean, i dont mind much, worse comes to worse i jump slightly....omg.... but the flow still looks like it would work. and theres enough spawns to end much spawn killing.

    i have d/l but i wouldnt play really until there was less power weapons. but some...always have some...
  12. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    When I make a V2 I will make it KOTH and will add some interlocking. I will change the weapons around a little bit. And thanks for reviewing my map :)
  13. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    no problem, here to help. If you need a bit of help i've seen the outline of a few weapon placements and i'm good at marging, invite me sometime your forging,
    GT: The Moran
    I'd love to say i've added to the final design, its a great map you need help tweaking then i'm first on your list =)
  14. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Will do. I will Inv you sometime when I get around to making a v2 for it

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