Hey whats up guys? This question pertains to some "pro-forge maps", that seem to have vast quantities of double boxes and such on thier Foundry maps. Is there a glitch ( such as the unlimited budget glitch), that allows you to have unlimited object in Forge? If so, please help me out. Thank.....
No there isn't. They probably interlocked the single boxes to look like double boxes, or used open boxes and you couldnt see the ends.
I recall a technique being posted to get more objects on Foundry, but if you want to try it out with Sandbox, I'm not sure if it's going to work since this was found before Mythic's release. I've never used it myself, so I'm not sure how helpful this is, but you can at least try it out if you're interested.
I would say Dow's got this one right. As for the glitch don't even bother with it, the reason for the item limit is so your map doesn't become laggy.