Hi Ive created a map called Refuge, its really good! But I cant post it here because I am locked out of map post due to in the past (before I learned how to embed pics) I didnt embed my pic and now I am locked out. could someone post my map for me thanks! I know how to do it now but of course Im locked out =/
Um, the map post was locked. You can still post your map, locking the post just means no one can post any replies in that map thread.
it wasnt locked yeah it wasnt locked but the administrator locked me out of the map posting section, so now I cant post any of my maps! Does any one know how long before I can post start posting maps again? thanks
I don't think anyone is going to o out of there way to break a moderators lock to post your map. How ever good, or bad it may be.
Well, he said the only reason was because he didn't embed pictures, which isn't really a big deal the first time.