Dont you think some of battletracks gamemodes are a little hard or easy to kill your opponents, for instance, dont you think its really easy to kill someone with a lazer of the back of a mongoose? Post your ideas for battletracks here. personaly, i think Battle Needlers should be a battle tracks gamemode, if you made the other team have really high health, but not invincible, it would be fun to shoot heat seaking needles at the mongoose in front of you, and either see them flip off the side of the map from the needles explosion, or flip out of control and land on another section of the track? another idea, i think team mongoose spawn should be seperate , so there is no assasinating, i think i have seen this before, but i would like to see it more often. My ides: Battle Needlers, not as much Battle Lazers, And seperate mongooese and team spawn to eliminate assasinations. your thoughts and ideas?
Battle lasers is still pretty fun. I don't see why there shouldn't be battle needlers, but it'd require testing to get the health right. As to separate spawns, just play with a good party. In all of my Forge Union games, I've maybe had to boot 1 or 2 people, and warn maybe 5. Just tell them in the lobby to wait until everyone's settled and on the track.
If a whole clip of needlers hits the passenger or driver of a mongoose, does the mongoose actually move around from the explosion of the needles or do they just get damaged?
I think they need some more active maps, e.g. you crash into something, risking your speed, to make objects fall on the enemies or make fusion coils explode, etc.
To eliminate assassinations, I think that there should just be separate booths that players spawn in with a mongoose. All of the booths are next to eachother. That would probably be the easiest solution. I think that needlers may be a little too much, most tracks have an area that is incredibly open on it such as a simple turn or long lane and needlers lock onto players, they would be screwed. I would suggest SMGS or something- SMGs are fast and deadly at close range, they can tip over mongooses when shooting at them.
I made an interesting battle tracks map. It used interactive scenery, and I would love to see something like that implemented by a skilled track maker to make something epic. mine can be found here if you want.
i think double wide tracks would be really fun for Battle needlers, and no, if lasers arent too much, than needlers are definetly not too much firepower. Battle Needlers FTW
Most Battle Tracks are double wide anyway. I tried needlers and it was pretty fun. I never really backed it up because I am more into the other BT games. All the BT games have been updated as of 7/23/09. A lot of great changes have been made. Be sure to DL the new versions. A lot of changes have been made to make the games run smoother!
How about Plasma Plama pistol battle? but that would be like, stop and go and stop and go and fall off not much fun How Bout Needler race, like rocket race, but with needlers?
Plasma Pistols sounds cool but I think that it would be too much stop and go. I like snipes and lasers the best.
I though Battle SMGs could work, especially on a SkyBubble racetrack since SMGs have lots of pushing power compared to other weapons. Battle Shotguns could also be interesting since they too have strong pushing power, but shotguns are close range, so that could be a flaw to it. Battle Close Quarters Combat (CQC for Short?) with SMGs and Shotguns could work, Shotguns for close up, SMGs for farther distances. Maybe a damage boost could improve gameplay as well.
You can do battle anything. The offical gametypes are just the ones that are the most fun, the o0riginal or ones that work the best. For instance I played Overtracks the other day. It was SMG's and regeneration grenades. It was hella fun. Create your own games and have fun!
I actually had an idea about making a sword battle track (I'm not sure if its been done before cause I'm not that into racetracks) but I suck at making tracks so if anyone wants to do that it's fine with me as long as you acknowledge the fact that you are using my idea in your post.
It has been done. It was one of the originals that got less fun. it was called battle joust. It was cool but the fact that your almost never right next to anyone. It turned into straight racing, with easier spawn killing
I got a battle needlers game going on yesterday, it was really fun. i also tried needle race, not as fun, because the needles rarely reached the other mongoose fast enough, and didnt have much kick.
That's cool! Now that Cape Canaveral is out let us know how the games work on this map. There is a lot of space for shooting and there are several different types of turns. There should be plenty of lines of sight. Here are a few new game combinations that I updated today. Battle Tracks 2.
Dream, can i post something like this thread in the Battletracks gametypes section? theres only on thread in there made by you so i dont know if its meant to saty that way.