Sandbox Solarium

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Aimless Ant, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    Solarium was recently added to the Seven on Seven playlist for the month of August.
    This map will join Lotus, my other map in matchmaking. Load it up on August 7th and enjoy! ​

    Solarium is a small competitive map located in the crypt on sandbox. The map plays perfectly with 4 v 4 but with free for all game types I would suggest no more than 6 players. Team Slayer and Two Flags were the best game types, but the Action Sack game type Pit of Joy was also a blast. The map is perfectly symmetrical, with two intersecting paths on the top floor, as well as two more on the bottom. The action comes to a head in the center room, where the two top paths can be used to grab the sword, and/or drop down on the players in the bottom level. This map was tested extensively and was a fan favorite. It has all the nonstop action of a small arena map, without the spawning and game play problems that usually come with small maps.

    Mauler x 2 ------------------ 120 sec respawn – 1 clip
    Needler x 2 ---------------- 90 sec respawn – 1 clip
    Spiker x 4 ------------------- 60 sec respawn – 1 clip
    Plasma Rifle x 2 ---------- 30 sec respawn
    Energy Sword x 1 ------- 180 sec respawn
    Spike Grenades x 4 ---- 20 sec respawn
    Regenerator x 2 --------- 120 sec respawn

    The level was setup and tested for every gametype. I think Team Slayer and Capture the Flag (two flag) were the best, but Swords, Assault, and Team King of the Hill, and Pit of Joy also played very well.


    Testers Guild Approved​


    Blue Base


    Blue Side Room


    Red Base


    Bottom Center (Pit of Joy game)


    Top Center (sword spawn)


    Under Red Base (mauler spawn)


    Overhead Map (Many blocks removed to show underlying structure)

    #1 Aimless Ant, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow this map looks really good i love the design of it. The golden catwalks are really cool the forging on this map is really good and i think it looks like it plays well to i give it a 5/5 great work i would dl but i have RROD so i can't but great work any way

    and the post is really good to
  3. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Wow Aimless, Good to hear you finally posted it :)

    It was very fun when i was testing it, everything flowed nice and worked well :D Hope your Dls do well mate!
  4. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Just played this map and I must say, It is awesome! It's layout is pretty simple but the aesthetics are just awesome, the center room is probably my favorite just becuase of the ceiling and the sort of atmosphere the kill ball creates. Also I like the weapons, very balanced and great for some close quarters action.
  5. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    Yes i have been waiting for this! I just downloaded it again ( i think it is slightly different than the one i have from testing) as soon as i get a few games in ill come back and let you know if I i find any problems.
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Guess what I has for you!

    I has the Tester's Guild Approved Stamp!
    Feel free to add it into your original post to let everyone know that the Tester's Guild has tested this multiple times and that we have decided to endorse your map based on its great playability, functionality, and other features. Keep up the great work!
  7. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    First of all, great post. It looks like you have constructed a great small team based map that would also work well for FFA, somewhat like Midship or Assembly. The gold pillars look very cool as the centerpiece.

    Senior Member

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    Very nice in the forging department. My only complaint, and it should be noted that it is not necessarily a flaw, is that almost every Crypt design I've seen has been symmetrical. With your forging skills that are obvious to even a guest on this site, I would expect something deeper. I'm not saying your lazy. I just think that you are capable of much more. Not to say that this is crap, as it is far, very far, from it. But you have to admit that this is a little basic for your skill level. I'd really like to see what happens when you truly challenge yourself. When and if that day comes, send me a P.M. and I'll be the first to help you play test your map.
  9. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    So I am not living up to my potential? Listen, every map i make is symmetrical, my brain is happy when things are in order. If that makes my maps too simple, i can live with that. I guess i will have to wait for you to tell me when i have truly challenged myself.
    #9 Aimless Ant, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  10. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Looks great to me, good weapon selection and placement. My only worry would be that it seems a little too enclosed, for my taste anyway. Fantastic forging, in both the visual and smoothness departments. Great job, AA.
  11. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    This map is so much fun to play on. I was constantly looking at my radar for people jumping down on my head. The pictures you have dont really do it justice, but the video is good. Oh i just saw that lotus is probably going to be part of the bungie day playlist, congrats on that! (if its true)
  12. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    the design is outstanding, but why a sword. I know its a small map, but is hard to look out. One minute you're skipping down the isle, and then a sword guy pops out of the corner.
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    The design is actually really nice for such a small map. 4v4 slayer would play really nice in this. The bases are really unique and would make for a good CTF game. The weapons placement is really nice as well. I'm glad there aren't any power weapons besides the sword, which can easily be beat with a mauler.
  14. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    Why a sword? i wanted a power weapon in the center. Rockets are too powerful for small maps, sniper would have been pointless, and shotgun was too powerful, no way to counter it in such a tight map. This left the sword, and upon testing it works great. The sword can catch you by surprise sometimes, but the maulers and needlers etc. keep the number of kills one person can get with a sword minimized.
  15. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    So i have been playing on this map almost nightly for the last couple weeks, its so much fun i cant stand it. (you know i love swords) I got to play lotus a couple times on Bungie day, and it wasnt even veto'd. Love your maps, keep up the good work.
  16. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    great map my dude it looks amazing that's one thing I really like about competitive maps even tho they aren't aesthetic it's great when people incorporate them into the map you did a good job of that. Great design and I always like the mounted guns 5/5 design ill check out game play later QFD.
  17. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Solarium was recently added to the Seven on Seven playlist for the month of August.
    This will be my second map to make matchmaking, as Lotus was in the Bungie vs the World playlist, and will also be in the Seven on Seventh (giving me two maps total in that playlist). Load it up on August 7th and enjoy!
    #17 Aimless Ant, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  18. Vault Tec

    Vault Tec Ancient
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    Very well done. Professional and clean. Take notes people, there isn't an excessive amount of crap trying to hype it up. The map speaks for itself.
  19. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Congrats on being featured on 7 on the 7th. Unfortunately I never got to play it. I'm kind of surprised that the post isn't very popular on FH, the map design and aesthetics are amazing.
  20. ShadowSilencer

    ShadowSilencer Ancient
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    Looks like its worth a download

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