Well I decided to try to make a montage using Bungies render video capabilities... It is unfinished but id like to show you all what ive done. If you think its good...Then Great! If you think its bad... Then tell me why. I can fix things because its unfinished. Please dont watch because its apperently the worst video ever. YouTube - Nates Halo 3 Montage (Unfinished) -Nate
Okay this needs some work, mainly on the gameplay. Try not to include grifball because it really isn't that hard. Also your double kill with the flag and double kill with the sticky, aren't that amazing. The double noscope on blackout are the kind of things people want to see. Your editing is alright, but I can see your just starting, so thats fine. Try to concentrate on syncing, like you did on your noscope clip.
There are many single head shot snipes, nothing out of the ordinary. And in griffall (as Laxer said above) your almost guaranteed a multi-kill.
I didn't see any clips worth putting into a montage. Refrain from adding Grifball, it ruins the montage completely due to the fact that (as stated above) it is easy to get an Overkill+. Add more clips (specifically multi-kills) on competitive maps. There is nothing wrong with not adding MLG but just have them show that you have skill or it'll look like a funtage. If you want a funtage then more power to you. Get more in-depth with syncing and camera angles that compliment the syncing. Try to use a more original song also, The Hive's Tick Tick Boom has been used multiple times before, along with the songs you've stated already.
You could at least complement the video Yer videos okay, like the music, the syncing for the noscope was good but the beggining clips were their all scoped kills is pretty boring, now if they were all noscopes, they would be worth watching if you get me, simple kills arent what need to go into montages, its the against the odd kills, and skilled kills!
The clips need quite a bit of work, most of them showed almost no real skill. There was one, maybe two clips that would have been "filler" clips in a serious montage. Also, like stated so many times above me, don't use grif ball. It really does kill a montage. It's not that it's just not going to be a good clip, any air of seriousness that you have obtained in your montage will be just thrown out of the window. Now, to the editing side of things. While I can see that you're just starting out you really should work on this a bit more. Your kills should be in sync with the music you're playing, as it draws in the watcher more. You should also integrate different editing effects in your montage. That's not saying go crazy with seizure inducing flashing lights and screen shaking, but it should have some more of that in there. Your music choice was also not the best, it's kind of an over used song. And really not even that great a montage song to begin with.