180 - Battleground Zero

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Pigglez, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    A Map by Zstrike13

    Get Map here: 180
    Get Gametype Here: Battleground

    Plz read and comment... thx!

    You're part of an elite Spec Ops team sent in by the UNSC to do one task. Blow the base. Unfortunately, you're not alone. Now time is the enemy and speed, skill and precision are all that can help you now. Make your way through the beginning great maze, quickly spinning around every turn until you make it to the 2nd level. The other team is here and they want your bomb. Rush into the battle and defend your team as you try to make your way to the bomb. Grab it and the Ninja armor, head into the ZERO grav launch pad and jump into victory. But beware, success comes at a heavy price...
    _____________________________________________________________ ___________

    180 is a different type of assault game. Each team spawns in their own base and quickly must run up the stairway and drop into the maze below. Now you and your team must navigate its turns and corners to reach a mancannon that will boost you up to the Bridge above. Snipers lay here and you must be careful navigating the bridge. Use the barriers going along it to stay alive. Next, players fall into the battle field where grenades and equipment lay scattered below. Now use your wits and skill and race into the hallway in the middle where you will find the bomb at the end. Quickly race back to the battle field and then head straight into the mancannons to be launched to the tower. Climb it some more and drop into the pit at the end to plant the bomb and win. However, there is a catch. The pit has a time limit. Fail to get the bomb to the pit in under 180 seconds and you will be blocked from entering. Good luck.
    _____________________________________________________________ ___________

    The premise behind 180 is to make assault a challenge, and not a simple game of grab and go. The grav lift that spawns and blocks the pit on the tower adds a sense of urge that forces players to move and react quickly to their surroundings. You will find while playing that sometimes players focus even less on the killing and more on the game.
    _____________________________________________________________ ___________

    Weapons on map:

    Snipers: 6 (3 on each bridge)
    Battle Rifles: 4 (2 on each bridge)
    Rocket Launchers: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Assault Rifles: Starting Weapons
    Machine Gun Turrets: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Plasma Turrets: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Shotguns: 2 (In the Tunnel)
    Magnums: Starting Weapons
    Plasma Grenades: 4-scattered
    Spike Grenades: 4-scattered
    Fire Bombs: 4-scattered
    All Equipment: 2 of each- scattered


    Overview 1- Battleground ZERO
    Player begins in base, view of stairs leading to entrance...
    View of ZERO Grav Launch Pad
    Tunnel leading to bomb at end, also, sword spawn atop tunnel
    Player reaches bomb, shotgun to his left (tough to see) and behind at right
    Bomb Plant Atop tower
    View of Battle Ground ZERO, ZERO grav launch pad and Tower Bridge w/ sword
    SNIPED!!! Also, view of rockets, BR's and turrets and Battleground
    Player Destroys fusion coils w/ turret from bridge... BOOM!!
    180- player failed to reach bomb plant in time limit- Grav lift blocks entrance
    Overview 2- Fortresses

    Thank you for reading and enjoy- 180
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Re: 180- Countdown to Hell

    oooh very nice its so neat that i would have put it under competetive maps and is the gametype one sided? i couldn't tell from the description
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Re: 180 - Countdown to Hell

    thnk u and no its not one sided, its neutral so both teams must rush to get the bomb and then head to the bomb plant, and with the time limit, it sort of makes it a race sometimes to quickly do it
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: 180 - Countdown to Hell

    Its kinda useless having that 180 second thing. Why dont you just put the round time to 180 seconds and save up on scenery.

    You should have 2 ways into the bomb plant point, and after 180 seconds one of them closes, making it harder to score.
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Re: 180 - Countdown to Hell

    thnk u 4 the suggestion... idk, i hadnt thought of tht... i was going to make two ways to reach the bomb plant but i wanted the 180 seconds to make it a little more challenging then just knowing you have the entire game to get there. With only 3 minutes, u r forced to want to get there. With two ways to go, if one closes, its harder but u still have a way to get there
  6. WD911

    WD911 Ancient
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    Re: 180 - Countdown to Hell

    the pics could use aa bit of inlarging
  7. TEC: The Elite Connection

    Senior Member

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    nice map, fun to play and good layout and variation
  8. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  9. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. I agree with Mattys suggestion though. Make one more entrance to the bomb and take out Grav Lifts for 180 second limit
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    thank u... altho i dnt think ill do tht... partly because i like it the way it is, thts how i wanted it, nd this is one of my really old maps, basically pre-interlocking and im busy with lots of new maps so i dnt think id go back now, but still, thnk u for the suggestion...
  11. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    I think that it looks really good and neat. It sounds really fun, but there seems to be a lot of weapons and equipment, not sure how this will turn out. Anyway...
    Good job!
  12. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thnk u... i have to say im surprised this thread is still here seeing as its so old and all...

    actually, i really dnt like this map tht much anymore lol, my two newest, (Xmen and Coliseum) are much better lol
  13. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    The pics don't do enough justice. But I'm a big fan of your maps, so I'm DLing.
  14. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol thx aclopolise, YAY, a hardcore fan lol, i was gonna say cause i see u commented on every other map of mine really recently
  15. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Awesome Awesome
  16. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thx... altho, nd not to be rude, id like to know about any flaws or things in my maps, so i can improve, so in all my map posts, id love constructive criticism and feedback...thnk u!
  17. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    bigger pics plz
  18. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the pics r fine... if everyone else can handle them, then so can u
  19. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Yeah, this one haz skillz.

    Lol nice map!
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thx, but trust me, my newer map, xmen nd AT-AT are much better lol, idk y ppl keep posting on this one, i mean, its not bad nd i dnt mind, i love feedback, but for some odd reason, my new maps always fall back tons of pages nd my old maps keep comin back lol

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