"PIX OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN LOL" The Western Wall is the only remaining wall of the Holy Temple from ~2000 years ago. "and then suddenly...JEWS...THOUSANDS OF THEM!" The Wall is about 1500 ft long, 15 ft deep, and 300 ft tall...most of it was buried in various attempts to get rid of it from the Romans, Arabs, etc, only about 200 feet is still showing, and it's half buried in the ground. Meah HaSharim is one of the most ultrareligious areas in the world...the sign made me lol. Har Adar...funny story here. When the British left they gave it to the Arabs...Israel attacked it in 48, thinking it was a radar mountain...they get there, and it's just radio. Anyway, they lost it in 67, and after translation back and forth from English to Hebrew to Arabic to Hebrew again, it turned into Har Adar (originally Radar), even though it STILL has no radar on it...anyawy, there's a cool tank area you can go in and stuff. Bunker Inside a Wartho--er, light tank. A sniper at Har Adar could hit a guy in Jerusalem quite a while away, made it an important area. Sniper booth...there's a ton of bullet holess in there so I'm guessing the guy died or something. Contrary to the classic game thing, tanks actually have steel on the bottom. It seems pretty strong, to me at least. I don't think one grenade can take this out... Ate at the kosher McDonalds. It was meh. Fries were good at least. Continuing as soon as this stupid computer will work...
Lol, maybe if you love Israel so much, you should marry it! You should post a pic of you and your gun you bought there. What was it again? 200 American?
That dude on the far right of the McDonald's pic made me lol. He's like, "dude, wtf".. lol Anyways, nice pix.. how long u in Israel for?
How do we know you didn't just grab these off of Google Images? You need to take one with yourself in it.
Lol, the sign at McDonald's is literally McDonalds as close as you can get it. But seriously man, where my sexy Jewish babes? Israeli supermodels are hot man.
Please do not distress us by disturbing the sanctity of our neighborhood and our way of life as jews commited to G-D and his torram.. Have fun
My parents use my photobuckrt too. No girls for you unless you google image (Bar Refaeli the sports illustrated girl is Israeli). Either way, pictures if random people is really weird I'm here for 6 weeks, just about halfway through.
Still waiting on the pictures of you in all white running from rooftop to rooftop. Untill then, I won't believe this is Israel. It's just an elaborately set up stage in a warehouse somewhere.
It's half buried, you can go to the bottom bit you have to reserve in advance, etc there's like the 3rd biggest cut stone there too...it's...big.