I've recently started hosting a lot of custom games and my firends keep on expecting some better things besides the things I've made so I'm looking for: The best **** Zombies maps (doesn't matter if it's from Mythic or Legendary(already have 'the last day')) The best Pre-DLC and Heroic zombie maps The best Legendary and Mythic zombie maps (optional) If you get track some of these down for me I would be extremely thankful. Thanks for your time
you asking for a bit much arent you? Sorry but there isnt a 'best **** zombies map' or anything even close to it as it doesnt exist. Just hunt around the community map section and you might find a good map or two but nothing like your asking for.
1. I'm not asking people to find all of these, just if they know any. 2.There are some decent **** Zombies maps out there but they are extremely rare and hard to find (thus why I am asking for help) 3.I've been looking for almost two hours which is quite frankly ridiculas
i know there are great **** zombie maps out there, what i meant was there isnt one to be a 'best ever zombie map' because they each have there own flaws.
No I did not, thank you and forgive my foolishness but do not think that this database will cease my hunger for the maps I desire.