Raa School This map and gametype is like cops and robbers, the diffrent is, this is a school and many seacret ways that cen lead you anywear. If you are the teasher, remamber the point is not to kill, but have it fun and kill the guys who are annoying. Try to not be assinated. When the teatsher not watch you. Run into a seacret way and escape. The school has classrom, 2 grouprom with seacret ways, toilet, corridor and out space. Have fun. Welcome To The School [/URL] The right side of the classrom. [/URL] The left side of the classroom. [/URL] Corridor. [/URL] Out side. [/URL] And alot of seacret ways you dont know yet. DOWNLAD HER LINK.Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype Her Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details By GlancingLeo
Well, from what I can tell about this map, it sounds pretty good. I can't tell much from the pictures or the description, but it sounds like a welcome change from the original classroom (which was great, but we need something new). From what I can see, it isn't bad at all. Straighten out a few walls, use a few forging techniques, and this could rise above classroom. Also, did anyone else notice the irony? Spoiler epic spelling fail on a school map
Sounds pretty good.Some of the walls need to be straightened out though. I am going to have to DL to see if it is better than the original.
Well at least you spelt toilet right. I don't really see the purpose of this map but I kind of gathered it is just to goof off on. Its just not my thing but welcome to Forgehub continue posting. Also "Mr. Naruchu" I think its obvious you copied and pasted your post trying to boost your stats because this isnt a remake its his first post...