Ok here is my cheesy story- you are in a testing facility with your other scientists. a test goes wrong and your alien creature test thingys grow really powerfull. they break out of their cells and come to eat you. You have to fend them off for 7 minutes and then help will arrive. Ok the gametype is "break out". map is made for 8-16 players. there are eight chambers with man cannons in them. man cannons are timed. 2 spawn at 30s, 1 spawns at 60s, another 1 at 90s, and so on. there are sender nodes at the top of each chamber. they go in order like this- 01230123. there are 4 receivers, 1 placed at each end of the map. when a mancannon spawns, a zombie "breaks" out of the chamber and is sent to a certain part of the map, you just go to find somewhere to defend yourself. Gametype 1 life alpha zombies- 100% damage resistance normal shields 100% damage 75% speed 150% gravity senser is off energy sword for weapon weapon pickup disabled unlimited ammo Humans- 100% damage magnums start 100% speed 100% gravity 100% damage resistance 100% damage done normal shields senser is off weapon pickup enabled limited ammo I am not listing the weapons. most of them are hidden and it is part of the fun to find out how many of each weapon is placed on the map. ok now for the pictures. Human and zombie spawn. receiver node leading down into spawn room Main room. door way to spawn room is on the left mid. top right is a tunnel. and top mid is a window thingy. other side of main room. pallet door leads through a tunnel. inside the tunnel. to the left there is a receiver node where zombie comes out, to the right there is a room. the room at the end of tunnel. there is a wall half to top mid of picture that goes up to a second floor. inside the tuneel from main room pic top right. to the left takes you up to a balcony and keep going straight takes you.... here! top right is other side of window. top right is the last picture. top left is a room with a surprise and also a zombie reciever node. if we go right we end up.... here! there is a ramp going up to a 2nd floor. right next to the windows near the ramp there is a doorway. and the last reciever is inn the bottom right corner of the above picture. The doorway takes you to this ramp that takes you up to a mini balcony and the bottom mid doorway takes you back into the main room. map-Facility 3A gametype-Break-Out! Have fun with the map
Pretty neat This map looks pretty well made, I'll check it out some time. One thing though when you take screen shots is to do it not in forge. The blue lines just make it look real messy.
Yeah you really shouldn't take pics in forge unless you are showing us where the zombies/humans spawn. If you do it in forge you can see the grid. Try taking some screenshots during a match with your friends to get some gameplay and action shots Otherwise this map looks well made and the gameplay looks great!
Very Nice! This looks great! I do like how you wont know where the zombie will pop up. It seems very neat and fun. Ill edit my post after I play it. 4.5/5 (cuz i havent played it yet ) Good job -Nate
Hey max glad you posted it. Added alot since the last time i saw it. We should play it sometime. Also looks very nice.