To tell you the truth, I wouldn't go with any of these signatures. Bad flow, depth, and horrible use of C4D's. Wow Mace. I really hope you're being nice.
hmm everyone here is really rude. i mean was that necissary bud? really. from what i see ur fairly distiguished over this website. its most likely gotten to your head. remember its just a forum. this is where other people go for entertainment and fun. dont ruin it by being so stuck up. btw thanks mace for being level headed. im glad you like it
Actually to be completely honest, I absolutely love when frag man comes into my cnc threads to rate them harshly. It helps me get a whole lot better. He puts emphasis on a skill that you need to improve on by being mean about it. That way next time you really focus on that. I think you signature is pretty cool. We don't really see these kind of signatures often. You tried using a c4d as your background and your effects. Kind of hard to explain, but it turned out pretty well. There is some things you can work on such as your depth and focal, but overall, I think you did a pretty good job.
Welcome to the Real World. *****. Judging from your posts. I'm pretty sure you're just as rude. However, I'm getting tired of people saying I'm stuck up. They throw fits just because mommy didn't give you any candy. Have I ever said I'm better than you? Have I ever said that you suck balls at signatures? No. I'm just explaining this signature. That doesn't mean you can't make signatures. You asked for criticism, you got it. I told you exactly what to fix. It's not my choice whether you decide to listen to me.
I hat the gfx community too. but then again I hate everyone... as for the sigs, they're interesting, but maybe too vibrant for my likings.
hmm.. .wat i meant was those sigs didnt match MY preferences. btw frag man. dont u have a hard time coming up with ways to make me look like a hypocrite. maybe that time could be better spent working out those anger issues.. and anyone reading ur reply would most likely laugh after seeing u "welcomed me to the real world" over a website. and i guess ur pretty tough calling me a ***** when your most likely hundreds of miles away.
i thionk he posts here just to show off his stuff. im pretty sure thats why everyone is here now adays... there should be stricter rules for when people argue cuz its gotten out of hand.
Lol we should get infracted when we argue too much? I don't think thats the best idea. Sounds like Communism or something.
I would love to know how you have any perspective on this, seeing as you have only posted here 5 times yourself, and just joined the site... and its not arguing at all. Frag Man simply tells the truth, he doesn't sugar-coat anything the way most people do. EGP is right, the harsher the CnC, the more incentive you have to correct your mistakes. As far as actual CnC goes: - The background doesn't blend very well. - Depth needs work. - The render looks LQ. - There are weird lines running horizontally and vertically throughout the sig.
Don't worry man. Frag man is not very well respected here, just... well known. He's decent at gfx, but I believe the moderators don't care for him much. =P The sig is not spectacular, but it is decent. V1 is better. The flow is Ok and I think that the c4d use is fine. I do believe that harsh cnc is good, but people should try to take something good from a tag.
just because i finally made an account doesnt mean im not new here. ive never really had much to post so i just looked at other ppls sig and such. then i finally found out a decent program for making them and made an account. not rocket science XD btw thx jelleh
I post here to improve. The GFX community is great. We all help each other get better. If you don't want to be a part of it, leave.
Well, I dont know why I'm commenting seeing as you'll just get mad if I give any criticism, considering you are thanking everyone who compliments you, and totally trashing other members for giving their critique and trying to help you get better. Anyway, the sig is okay, the first is better IMO, I don't really like the gold glowing thing on the things hand v2. Overall I'd say its a 5/10 maybe 6/10.
ugh... im just saying he doesnt have to say its horrible i apprechiate critism. it wasnt constructive, how can i make it better? i dont know? he obviously just said it to be an a$$ hole. jesus... what is wrong with some people?