Hey guys I have a really good idea for an infection map (I don't think it's made) but the problem is that I suck at forging... I enjoy thinking up maps but i hate making them... My idea for a map is on foundry, there are floating houses all in a straight line next to one another, but the ramps that lead up to them are different... such as: Made of pallets - breakable Can send stuff down it - defended those are my ideas so far... I can't think of any others but anyway the second part would be that later into the game routes in the back of all the houses would appear linking them to a room full of very good weapons, then they would be able to drop out of the house and kill the zombie. Now more detail into the houses: There would be more than one way in, the doors closable and takes some skill to open, maybe a protectable hole in the roof or a room underneath a house accessible by the zombie. There would be battle rifles, magnums, smgs, etc. in the houses, nothing too good maybe a couple snipers and if possible an armory in each house. A window that has a view of the ramp would be great too, so it's easy to protect. Gametype: I also FAIL at infection gametype making so making the gametype would be wonderful too. It would be that the zombie is immune to headshots, decently fast, 2 shields, and whatever else would seem fair. As for the humans, 1 hit, normal shield, normal speed, normal jump. This is just the guidlines for the gametype if any of these seem unfair then change it. Well that's all... If any questions or offers to create it send me a message my gamertag is The Snips, or post a reply in this thread. Thanks!
Well, IMO its sounds okay the whole house idea has been done before, but definately NO armories, that really screws up gameplay.