What makes a good swat map? Little cover? Lots of cover? long narrow pathways? Big open areas? The reason I ask is that im making a Swat map and I would like everyones opinion to help make it a really good map. Thx everyone
Elevation changes, Corners, Plenty of Cover, Camping in SWAT is also something that can be a positive thing. The original idea behind SWAT is a slow paced tactical headshooter where you'd rely on teamwork and communication to complete the objective (slayer or flag usually) Simply the idea of going for headshots is dumbing down the gametype.
all this & try to have more cover below but still some cover on top this way the hight* advantage is sorta canceld out have a mix of open and narrow places if ou need ideas look at gardian, narrows, constuct and maby assembly or whatever tickles you fancy for example use the big window wall from constuct upper level or the ramps from narrows but remember sample if your going to do that
In my personal opinion- Ghost Town and Isolation are really good because they have bushes and trees to climb into, but if you are talking about something on Foundry or Sandbox- do something with lots of corners with a wide open environment in the middle which is surrounded with tons of small walkways
SWAT maps should emphasize these three things: - LOS (Lines of sight, most important part) - Floor smoothness (there's nothing more annoying than trying to headshot someone who is bumping around, or your crosshair flying up and down while shooting) - Cover (Naturally, SWAT means quick kills and deaths. Add cover and slow down the pace)
Go fire up the old Xbox and play some SWAT to help get some ideas. I personally love SWAT on Assembly, and Construct is okay IMO. While you're playing try to look for the pros and cons of the maps. Hope this helped.