He called it a Tombstone / Hang Em' High remake. Tombstone first, Hang em High last. Tombstone was a remake of Hang Em High, so it'd only be logical to include the latter. Control room ramp is still bumpy
hyperbolies are less useful than actual examples. Yes, there are quite a lot of remakes. I've walked through most of the remakes with several others and I am very uncertain of what you are talking about. It's true my red base is not perfectly to scale, have a third level, or include the angle on its side. But excluding the trench mine still hits game play with more accuracy than others we have tested. And just so you know, before this map, I didn't know any of my biggest testers, with the exception of T1S3L. So what are these standards you are talking about? If there are some amazing remakes that blow mine away I'd really like to know and try them out.
gameplay wise, yours holds up very well, except for one major thing; the jumps. You didn't take into account the fact that you jump much farther and much higher in Halo 3 than the other games. You are not supposed to be able to jump to the sniper tower, then back onto the walkway. In the original maps, this gave a handicap to the sniper rifle so that it wouldn't dominate the map. The fact that in your map you can make this jump removes that handicap and gives too much power to the sniper rifle. this breaks the flow of the gameplay of the original maps, as people will just be rushing for the sniper the whole game.
Tombstone did allow you to make the jump back up from sniper spawn. And my jumps are all quite consistent to Tombstone, not Hang em High. The last of those were fixed with 1.9. And game tests have shown that sniper already is quite difficult to get to. Usually requiring bubble shield or regen just to get to it alive in 4v4 and larger games. Even then, people can't regularly keep it.
Touche. I have 1.8. and thanks for changing it to say "Tombstone Remake." Sorry if I seem like a ****. As someone who is extremely proud of their own Hang 'em High remake, I'm very critical of others.
Dont need one Ever since Bungie stated that Sandbox would be a forgers dream I was eagerly waiting for someone to make a remake of Tombstone/Hang Em High. When the first versions started to spring up I was upset, nobody made even a decent version of the classic map. Nobody included the trench wtf? Thats like not including the train in Terminal if Bungie remade it. Also most versions used wood floor pieces making the maps look ghetto and just plain ugly with no style. Most versions you have the ability to jump out the command center window(s) and some just not looking like Tombstone/Hang Em High what so ever. I downloaded a old version of Centurion's Unforgiven which was just named "Hang Em High" back then. I got really excited he actually captured the look and feel of the classic map. I knew he was good and the remake of the map would work just needed minor changes/tweaks. He has been working on this map a hell of alot. I have spent many many hours the last few weeks testing it and finding any imperfections, unwanted jumps, everything. If someone has something negative to say about this map please have proof or reasoning behind the negativity not just because you made a version of Tombstone/Hang Em High and Centurion's version is 10x better.
Well I'm just as proud as my map. And have played yours as well, it is definitely on the better end of the scale. But they really are remakes of separate maps. And are not mutually exclusive.
This map is much more of a Tombstone remake than Hang 'Em High and a great one at that. Anyway, It has been fun watching this map evolve into what it is today and hopefully this map Wins the Forgotten Treasures Contest. And for the people downloading this map, You got to try some Team Brs, 1 Flag and maybe even some Territories. Personally I like 5v5 the best.
Thanks to all the persistent testers who helped me this map was in the top 5 in Forgotten Treasures. I plan on submitting it to atlas just as soon as I am 'done' with a project I'm quite involved with right now.
Updated version The older 1.9 and 1.94 versions are now very out of date. I have now updated the thread with 2.0 which features a lot of changes, additions, and exploit fixes. I plan on submitting this version to Atlas immediately. If anyone has suggestions or has gone through this process before any and all help is appreciated!
This is fantastic. Great remake. I actually prefer the remakes. This along with Longevity, Prism Block, Escavation, Blamnation, and Electron -2e are the best remakes available, IMO. I hope that someone will make a sactuary remake of the same calibur as these.
well, now that is the definition of how to use space well. looks like a great game to play, just enough vantage points and cover on each side. but geeze there is just so many objects. very nice.
This map is really fun to play on, especially with larger parties. It doesn't look AMAZING aesthetically but it is forged well. Pretty good balance in weapons though it felt like the shotguns had too much ammo but maybe that's just me. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate the compliments. I wish it could look just a little better, but my priority was on gameplay, and not looks, I just hope that doesn't keep it from matchmaking.
I've downloaded a few tombstone/hang em high remakes, and this is my favourite I've found so far. It is not the most accurate of them all, but it feels even better because it is almost as if it has been updated to suit H3 rather than force it to be like H2 or HCE. Very smooth forging too.
Nice remake man! I loved the original Hang 'em High, and this apears to be a smooth reimagination. I also watched your video and the gameplay looked pretty awesome, although it does seem fairly different from the original. So while I don't deem this the most accurate remake, I do think that it is an awesome map that has the same feel as the original. Good job!
Almost all of this map is perfect! My only beef with it is that there should be another floor on the top right structure in your sig. (red base) It's only concept art but it's the same in the real map. Other thank that, very good map. The spawns are pretty good, objective placement is accurate. Over all 5/5 But if you ever decide to completely redo the map, remember the above picture and also if you have enough items remember the slopes in the middle.
The main changes are in spawn points and spawn zones. As well as a few adjustments to objects. Fix to an escape by overshield and a few bumpy patches.
this is a great remake, another remake didnt have rooms in the bases, its also cool that you put in equipment to add to halo 3 gameplay