Sand Tarp, Boundless, Pit Stop, & Epilogue

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexIsCoool, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Bungie has made a few of their own modded maps. Maps that by definition used an external source (Not Forge) to create them. I assume they used the same program to create these that they used to create the originals. Aswell, I am not sure why they are all on Pre-DLC maps.

    Sand Tarp
    Undoubtedly you have seen this in matchmaking and you may be confused as to why they would rename Sand Trap. Well, incase you're a little bit oblivious, there are no elephants on this map.

    You probably have never known that there are two of these maps. When you hear Snowbound you think if the snowy one with bad spawns. When you hear Boundless you think of the snowy one with bad spawns. The only difference between the two is that there are no shield doors. Good for swat and snipers.
    [​IMG] Notice there is no green hand?

    Pit Stop
    Like Sand Tarp you have noticed the different name but have never really known the difference to its original map, The Pit. Pit Stop has the spawns in the upper "attic" area. Too many people spawned up there and stayed up there. Bungie found the spawns on the pit were so good that they spawns upstairs were unnecessary and decided to remove them.

    Like Boundless you have never known that there are two different maps. When you heard Epitaph you thought of the purple map. When you heard Epilogue you thought of the purple map. Epilogue again, has no shield doors. Good for Swat.

    All maps are of course, forgeable and available in Custom games.
    AlexIsCoool claims no ownership of these maps. They were all made by Bungie.
    #1 AlexIsCoool, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I dont really see these as actual modded maps. Moving spawns and bungie taking out doors, is not really modded. It basically just a different version of the map. Also your still required to have 1 screenshot...
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    You can not delete the Shield Doors or Elephants in forge. So it is a mod. Its just when you think of a modded map you think of elites standing around and Last Resorts windmill on fire.
    And Im getting pictures now.
    #3 AlexIsCoool, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  4. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Hes pretty much right, and anyway IF it was its BUNGIE doing it not us, so it matters why?
  5. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Eh, I do not really see the point of this post. Why would anyone want these maps, anyway? The only one I find useful is Sand Tarp.
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I know, its something that Bungie has edit. Its basically just another version of the map.
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Ummmm... are you allowed to post it if BUNGIE made it??? If you are, then at least finish the post with some pictures.
  8. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    theres is no point in this post, all that you did was just tell us something. that is to be done in the fourm not in the map area. you did not make these and everyone knows about them. this post is most likely going to be locked or try to get it simply moved to the fourm.
  9. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I do no think of a purple map when i hear Epitaph lol... But it was nice of you to take the time to save all these maps for us. Sometimes i need the new "modded" maps to forge on and i don't want to take the time to play matchmaking so i can save it. I won't download them now, but i'll keep this thread subscribed just in case...
  10. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Why are people being so pissy about this? I do not expect or want credit for this. I simply did this to save time. These are maps so they DO belong in the maps section. And whats with people saying that I didnt make them? if I had modded them myself that would be against the rules. I know alot of people would not know how to find these maps so I did it for them.

    Also, I challenge anyone to delete the shield doors, good luck.
    Maybe Pit Stop isn't modded but I still saw it fit to throw in with these others.

    And did you guys not see my post? I said I am getting pictures, now. Beside I have 24 hours if I remember the rules.

    I dont know why some people are angry about this.

    I said in the OP, For swat and snipers. Maybe infection too.

    Edit: Thank you Gunner Grunt. That was the response I was looking for.
    #10 AlexIsCoool, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I remember hearing about Boundless and Pit Stop, but Sand Tarp and Epilogue? Epilogue would actually help me out a bit on this idea I had been working on with Epitaph, but couldn't do well with the shield doors in the way.
  12. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    So, you are thankful for this thread correct?
  13. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    dumbass were saying this because these maps aren't modded, if bungie makes a map and decides to change something like taking out doors or elephants they don't mod they use an editor to take it out its not like there deleting it, also nothing was done to pit stop that anyone else forging could have done on the pit.

    They also DO NOT belong in this section because you have not created them bungie has and your are just showing people maps that bungie has made.
  14. Rylay

    Rylay Ancient
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    yes they are modded but bungie did them on their dev kits
    and they have a right to seeing as they made the maps in the first place.
    reading your post it sound like you dont really know what modding is either.
  15. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    OMFG THEY MODDED MAPS! Dude, either this thread is half a year old, and some noob bumped it, or you guys are waaaaaay out of it. This info is so well known its a sad excuse to make a thread for it now.

    If you're trying to say that bungie modded, then... really? It's bungie. They aren't approving of modding. Duh. That's like saying call of duty's day makin map is modded from the original makin, thus they approve of modding. It's idiotic to say the least that someone would think that.
    #15 ZANDER1994, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  16. Limeology

    Limeology Ancient
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    I'm confused. Are you just posting bungie made maps. Anyways I've played all these in matchmaking and I hardly notice a difference.
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I don't see the complete purpose of this. For sure, it's nice to know that there's Sand Tarp and Epilogue available for my use. Then again, why is this in Competitive Maps?
  18. kollie0

    kollie0 Ancient
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    Dude thanks for the info even that it is just small this they might be useful for making maps...
  19. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    We all know about these maps and it's nice you saved them for us, but for this thread to make sense, why don't you make a Canvas of each map?
    then allow us to download them?
  20. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Epitaph/Epilogue is not purple lul. It's grey.

    And i don't see the point in this thread at all. If they were canvas', then theres a use, but here there is none.

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