Here's a video I made about all the awesome gamertags I've seen in the past 6 months.. with a few special requests. Note: it's better to watch it on youtube (just click twice on the vid) cuz the text is so small. YouTube - Funny & Cool Xbox LIVE Gamertags Edit: They're all completely real. Some were taken in customs, but they're in my friends list if you don't believe me. You better enjoy it too. I uploaded it literally 6 times to youtube... the first time it didn't show up, the second time the sound was gone, the third time it didn't show up... again, the fourth time I tried reinstalling my editing program and redid the video and it had an "unknown error" when I uploaded it to youtube, the fifth time the screen was too narrow and for some reason it played 2x the speed.... and, finally, it worked the sixth time. And plz comment cuz it's my first vid with this new editing program and I went through hell just to share it with you guys.
Nice... I liked your editing, and the song was great too. My personal favorite was the "wowurbig" guy, and the pose he was in. Awesome. ^^
lol thanks. and also, I'll be coming out with a funtage in about a month... I think... so stay tuned!
Amazing. The wowurbig guy in the pose was hilarious, the Jesus one was funny too. Nice editing btw. What software do you use?
Those are pretty cool. It would be better if all of them were real though, because I could see you just made some in customs or in forge. Once, in grifball, I encountered this guy named "KingNippleHair". LMFAO
Honestly, pretty lame video. Atleast to me, I found it boring. You did have amazing quality though, so I commend you on that
I used iMovie 09. No, all of them were completely real. I only had a couple in customs.. such as a laser and jesus, but even check my friends list. They're real too. Oh, sorry to hear that. I woulda had a little more fitting music, but by the 4th time I tried uploading I chose different music in fear of copyright infringement.
I know all of them were real. I know that the laser and Jesus were fake, I was just suggesting for ALL of them to be real next time.
Most of them were quite douchey names, but some were kinda funny Best name ever is still Sgt Stud Muffin.
My other accounts name is I PUNCH JESUS. Nice video, good quality and editing. **** youtube with their copyright ****.
Oh. Dang. Okay then. LOL it says I'm playing GTA IV XD I still think that 'KingNippleHair' guy I saw on Grifball one time was so far the funniest gamertag I have seen on LIVE. Here's another story. One time, me and my cousin were playing doubles on snowbound. Our two enemies were named "I Pocahontas U" and "I Cinderella U". LMAO.
Haha great video man. Great editig too. The funniest GTs I've ever seen were OOPS I JUST (he sniped me and it said "OOPS I JUST SNIPED YOU" lol) and i sell 10s msg me.
The video was meh. The quality was great and so was the editing, but I just didn't find the video overall entertaining. Otherwise, the funniest gametag I've seen before was when I was hosting some customs and Chipsinabox asked me to bring one of his friends in, when he joined in we all started laughing our ass off. His gamertag was, Mykidsgetmehard.
lmao wow. That's an awesome gamertag. ..Before I had it zoom in on each gamertag.. but then I had to redo it cuz it was deleted when I reinstalled my editing program. Idk if that would have made it any better.
Yeah, my friends list has a few cool gamertags. Mykidsgetmehard had to change his name due to complaints, so now it's iSpyOnYourKids. I have a few others, like Bad News Jews, DPunch, Sneaky Jew, WomenAreThings and OBMAstolemybike. There were others, like IBeatMyStepson, ISellMethToKids, and MyKidsdoMeth, but those were also changed because of complaints.