I'm sure someone has asked this before, but is there a way to make map elements snap to a vertical or horizontal position? I've been trying for at least an hour to get a wall to line up correctly and it either leans over or is askew. I'm guessing that there's not an external map editor where you can key in rotational/position values and use a mouse.
you cant get something to just snap where you want it. You need to use some sort of brace to keep your items straight.
Use tin cups for bracers, they act like magnets so anything near gets pulled to them... That way your wall can be straight up and not skewed.
Like others have said, use braces. I prefer boxes, as they are straight, and don't fall when you try to use them. There is no external editor, that would mean many, man,y man,y more modded maps. It will never happen. (but it would be epic)