Gameplay This is a mini game where if you are a zombie, you want to comit suicide. if you comit suicide then you earn 1 point. The zombies have 200% speed and gravity, so they are not able to jump out of the map. They have magnums and arent able to kill the human (there is always only 1 human) because he is invincible. But they can assassinate him(which i wish i could get rid of) and try and get him to fall off. if he falls off then i made him respawn with no shields or damage resistence, so the zombies can then shoot him in one shot and the round is over. The human has a sword, And if you kill the human then you get 2 points. There are 10 rounds and each round is 1 minute long. Timed Map Events After 30 sec, two angled blocks appear to narrow down the field to make it easier on the human. But i had problems with him going to the narrow area and spawn killing, so i turned them to were there is enough room to go through a little section and avoid the spawn killing. then 15 sec later, two block huges spawn to make it easier for the zombies to avoid the human, but to make it even harder, the two outside suicide booths are blocked off. And some unlucky person if they go in at just the right time can be trapped in the booth. Screenshots Overview of map at the beggining: After 30 sec: And then after 45 sec: At the beggining: After 30 sec: After 45 sec: Suicide Booths: Suicide Booths after 45 sec: Overview of Back: I think it looks like a cresent moon, the red part so i kept it looking like that: I finished the map a few days ago, but it looked boring so i tried to make it as aesthetcly pleasing as i possibly could. Action pics: This barely ever happens but he got stuck in the booth, dont worry if u get stuck youre only there for 15 sec: The human fell to his death to so when he respawned... Assassinating the Human: Thats me, what a beast. EDIT: I forgot to say that whenever someone joins the game, they are normally human. so what i did was i made it so the base player traits are were you can get 1 shot killed. so when there are two players, neither are last man standing so they arent invinsible. you can tell that you can kill the human if they either turn blue(whenever someone joins) or if they have a waypoint over them. Download Map: Emo Lane Download Gametype: Suicidal Any critisism and comments would be nice
Looks fun.. It reminds me of Soviet Border just without the snipers. I like the idea. Maybe you whould call it Elevator Patrol. So I see that the zombie runs at 200 speed. What speed do the base players run? I will DL and try the map with some of my friends. It looks like it could be fun. Do the elevators just have an open hole in the bottom that you fall to your death or is there a portal or kill ball down there.
interesting concept. The top view pic of 45 seconds is wrong. So the zombies try to get past the human and kill themselves but also try to get the human to fall? @dream the shafts look like they are empty at the bottom at least till 45 seconds in
i think this looks really good... it reminds me a lot of purple bunker by blood fir3. it has the same long corridor feeling to it and the timed objects spawning. But what i liked about it was that it had the human in the playing field preventing the zombie getting somewhere rather that the human preventing the zombie form getting to him at the opposite end of the playing field. 8/10 try using something other than walls for your floor because they are bumpy... i can see in picture 13 that that wall is not even. But still good job creating a quality mini game.
to dream, its just a hole so that you comit suicide, if its a killball then you get killed by the guardians and i dont think that counts as a suicide, plus i hate how bright it is. also, humans run at 75% speed and normal gravity. to dak, thanks for telling me about the pic im about to fix it and ya, thats basically how it is at shenanigans, thanks about the suggestion with the walls i tried as best i could to make it smooth. some of them dont look smooth but only 3 of them make the slightest bump.
alright this sounds like an original idea, but im really confused how are you supposed to make the human fall off? but i do want to point out that the aesthetics look very nice for such a small map(i like the stuff on top of the holes). i like what u did with the red/blue columns and how you cant actually see the color, that mustve taken a while. ill dl this and check it out later. also i really like the close off outside suicide booth things, seems like it would spice up the last 15 seconds.
well u can trick the human, if he is really stupid and sit right next to the booth then right as hes lunging commit suicide and he falls in, or he just lunges at you and falls in. you can also assassinate him
Wow this is really original and fun. A game where you actually try to kill yourself lol. The map itself looks amazing and the spawn in objects add a lot of fun to the map. Good job.
This is a very interesting game. Killing yourself. I love the idea, im going to give it a download and play it with a couple of friends. I also love the asthetics.
EMO??!! Dude? Why does everyone think emo is wrist slitting, suicide and a haircut, REAL emo is emotional, why people say MCR are emo I dont know. Anyway. It looks like an interesting map, I dont really understand suicide maps, but ah well. The crescent moon is a nice ascetic touch. But I dont think I will download as I am nearing my file limit. But if this map stays here for a few days I'll download.
When I played this, I got 1 Point for Killing Myself as the Human. Try and sort that out, like making a barrier that only the Infected jump over or something like that. Apart from that, its really good!
to spartan- i know what emo is, but i thought of it more catchy as emo lane then my original name suicide street To lightning- i actually like the floor SLIGHTLY bumpy in a few spots because it couldbe easier for the human, or harder. it changes up the game play a bit. to molemyster- There is no way of making it to were humans dont get a point for comitting suicide, but if they do then they have a waypoint over there head. if they ever have a waypoint over there head that means that you can actually shoot them with one shot. you also get 2 points for killing the human. so thats actually a bad thing if you fall off
Aww, I made a game just like this where you earn points for killing yourself. It was called "Lemming's World", a reference to the urban legend sparked by a Disney educational film where they claim Lemming charge en masse over cliffs. You get the idea. But overall, I'd say this map looks challenging to commit suicide on.
Oh thats actually a good name, i shouldve thought of that. well sorry didnt know this idea had been done before
I suggest you change the name of this map becuase im sure im not the only one whos going to stumble upon this and be offended. Its bad enough for emos at school being made fun of for the scars they dont have, but doing it through a map post is even worse.
Jellofish, im pretty positive that you just completley necro-posted this, and i dont really like the name either. It was a last minute thing, i was going to call it suicide street but i changed the name at the last minute and i really dont like it any more