RelayRaceTr._v2 This is a Relay Race between red and blue teams. In this game you need a min. of 8 players 4v4... and you will go through the followed path. if one teams flag carrier dies and the flag falls to the ground. everyone best just kill themselfs because that team lost..... First it is a running/on foot race to the node. TAKE note to pass the flag to the players at the driveing part through the wall, slit. befor entering the node after your part. 2. Is the driving part to the node laying down after the one in between the block, huges. (((((after 60sec. the rest of the driving part will spawn,,,, one person must stay in the monguse befor 60sec. pass))))) remeber to pass through wall, slit for the leap of faith.... 3. One person will be on the leap of faith , once he/she has the flag then he/she can jump to the node bellow them. every one will meet here.... .................................................................................................... Download the map Download the gametype
wow, i havent downloaded this one yet but im impressed. this might not be the most amazingly interlocked map or anything but the idea is really good. i truly dont think that ive ever seen this before. the idea of passing the flag between the wall slits is genuis. i really think this is cool and im gonna try it out when i get the chance. 5/5 for the idea(if it hasnt been done before) 3/5 for the map.