I have been throwing around an idea for a while, respawning with a random set of weapons is NICE, but what about having any amount of CONTROL over it, like the probability of certain weapons, or adding in equipment, or for that matter forcing someone to use what they spawn with not what they pick up? I found the solution,first set default weapon to pistol and turn off grenades, then, If you turn of weapon pick up in player traits, BUT turn it on for 5 sec in respawn traits, you can force people to use only what they spawn right next to as their weapons. That's nice, but then what about the spawn points that AREN"T next to a weapon? The solution is in a spawn room, one for each team, In sandbox in a tier you aren't using turn an L tube so it looks like a facet head, block off the end you can walk out of, and have it dump into a secure room with a teleporter into the battle field. In each room put a certain amount of spawn points, and a set of weapons, after you spawn in your first 5 sec you pick up what equipment your given, drop down the tube, head througth the teleporter and enter the battle as usual. As for controling how often a certain weapon set you just take the number of spawn points in a single spawn tube and divide it by the number of total spawn points for that team, and you have the probablity of spawning in that tube with those weapons. As for what this does to gameplay, this can help out anyone doing a aliens versus humans map or the like (I'm considering a campaign like fight myself), or just force the players to think more in area control then in weapon. Also this will reduce the effect of one team dominating because they have the only rocket, sniper, ect... as it is up to the map maker to decide what team gets what. As for some easy examples of classes this is the list I have so far Solider:Ar, BR, 2 frag grenades sniper:BR, Sniper Pyro: flame thrower, 2 fire bombs Guard:AR, overshield, bubble shield stealth:Camo, sword, power drain tank:turret(rip off in tube), gravity hammer explosion master: brute shot, fuel rod gun, 2 frag grenades, 2 spike grenades I'm sure there are more but this is all I have for now. This concept is free to use by anyone, credit is nice but not neccessary, but I believe that this could lead to some very intresting 1 sided objective maps. So what do all of you forgers think of the class system?
What happens when one team is in the lead and they just decide to wait in their spawn room untill the game is over?
still a problem being worked on, which is why a one sided game like CTF because you have motivation to leave the spawn room.
I really like the idea, sounds cool. You should also let people choose there class. Also maybe balance the classes a little the sniper is a little too powerful. As for not keeping people in the the spawn area have them invincible for there choose time, and have a near constant explosion in the spawn room. That should solve the problem.
the classes I listed are just concepts to get other peoples ideas going, nothing more nothing less, how many classes, what they have, and how often they spawn are all in control of the map maker. As for the explosion Idea, I dislike it on the grounds that some unlucky person will spawn JUST as it goes off, giving them a suicide penalty and a very angry respawn.
You miss understand, you would spawn with say 10 sec of invisibility so that you couldn't die unless you just stayed there.
Ok I have already implemented this myself as well as seen it done many times there is only one problem when I was testing my map and had the settings with respawn traits on for 10 seconds and weapon pick up on it doesn't work. For some reasone you can not set weapon pick up in respawn traits (well you can set it it just has no effect). The only way around this I have seen is to use a Custom power-up on instant respawn.
I pick "Explosion Master" infact my entire team should. We could all spam Fuel rods. Then every game becomes Team Rockets...
If it is set for "respawn traits" that's exactly what has to happen to activate them, respawn. The beginning of a game doesn't count as respawning so starting points have to kill you so you respawn.
^^^^ NAO you would have to make everyone equal in this you had it good until, ok one guy has a sword and camo and pwns every1 as they go through tele THE SWORD is a power weapon and with camo, well just =( ar and ov is kinda bad also, the problem with this is that theres one-two of everything in halo not like cod with 4 rifles Comprende?
fine fine, I know the classes can't be balanced yet because I haven't TESTED them, they are just a way to spark your creativity so you come up with your own sets. As for how it works in the current system what you spawn as is random, with the probability of all classes controlled by the map maker. So it is POSSIBLE but unlikely to see a team with all the same class, unless the creator wants it this way. As for the invincibility at start, sounds like a good method, I will test it out later.
yes I would balance the but he is just using this as an example I know that the first spawn doesn't count and that you have to respawn but in the last map I was making it wasn't working no matter how many times I spawned but for some reason I just remembered it working on a test map I made... hmmm if it does work I wonder whats going wrong with my map please test it out if you can now I'm curius and I can't get on my xbox right now.