Foundry Foun-dry Final

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by mastersync23, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    EDIT: Please, I do appreciate good reviews and criticism. So please, if you see this message, post something that will help me improve my map. I know, final version my ass.

    Ah, the non-awaited (c wat I did thar?) final release of my map, Foun-dry.

    I really don't feel like writing a long description, so I'll give you a brief summary:

    This map's two main bases are asymmetrical, and the two minor bases are symmetrical (and identical. The geomerging was a ***** to do!). I have included a CTF gametype that plays well on Foun-dry, but you can play regular CTF, Assault, KoTH, and Slayer on this map. I really hope you have as much fun on this map as I did testing it and Forging it!

    Weapons list:

    Battle Rifle x6
    Assault Rifle x3
    Spiker x2
    SMG x2
    Magnum x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Brute Shot x2
    Rocket Launcher x1 (Symmetrical Only)
    Spartan Laser x1 (Asymmetrical Only)
    Carbine x4
    Mauler x1
    Beam Rifle x1
    MG Turret x1 (Symmetrical Only)

    Equipment List:

    Frag Grenade x8
    Plasma Grenade x6
    Spike Grenade x2
    Regenerator x1
    Power Drain x1

    Vehicle List:

    Mongoose x2
    Ghost x1 (Asymmetrical Only)

    And now, what most of you will have scrolled down immediately to see, pictures!

    Overview of one of two identical minor bases.


    Overview of Attackers base.

    Another view.

    Overview of center platform.

    Looking down Attacker tunnel.

    Attacker flag return/bomb plant room.

    Mauler tunnel.

    Power drain hut.

    New addition, a ledge to help Attackers infiltrate the Defenders base.

    Revamped sniper bridge.

    Defenders base.

    Back of Defenders base.

    No action shots this time around, sorry. Couldn't be ****ed :D I know it portrays the map better, but I'm lazy.

    Anyways, hope you guys have great fun on this map. I sure had fun testing it!

    Map download:

    Foun-dry Final

    Optional gametype download:

    Foun-dry Flag
    #1 mastersync23, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wow this is a great map.Lots of interlocking and you have forged some of the boxes into the ground (forgot what it is called). I can't say anything wrong about this map. NICELY DONE!
  3. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    It's called "geo-merging"

    Any way nice map, But you mentoined it worked for assualt also, But there's no link to the assualt variant download. Nice map, But were the power drain is. Why not just geo'merge it, it will improve flow, Not much, but still. Puting a floor there means that people trying to walk inside will lose alot of speed.
  4. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    It IS geomerged. I just put a fence wall there for lulz. And you don't need an Assualt gametype. Assualt plays fine by itself. Regular CTF, however, had respawns that were too long, so I fixed that and a few other things I tinkered with.
    #4 mastersync23, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I'm glad that sandbox has outdated foundry. Because it calls master forgers like yourself to give it one last hurrah. Flawless forging, perfect design, and it even plays great too! It would be so Ironic if you made the same map better on Sandbox!
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, but does anyone have any criticism on the actual map or the gameplay? That's really what I'm after.
  7. jujumonster

    jujumonster Ancient
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    The corners seem way to open try to add something that connects to the defenders base to have a better flow. Also I noticed that many important parts of the map ex. flag spawn require jump-ups to get there, so add more ramps so that jump-ups aren't required but are a quick way to get to parts of the map. I definitely like the middle structure and the back area. Remove all of those unnecessary fence walls they're just a waste of money and they look stupid. It seems like there aren't enough ways to get on the defenders base. Overall 3/5
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    The corners are open mainly because people rarely stray out there. This also provides room for the Ghost to maneuver.

    Most of the objective jump ups are normal, and don't require crouch-jumping. So it's actually very easy to jump up.

    The fence walls are mainly for aesthetics, so I've left them thre since my very first version.
  9. kill4overkill

    kill4overkill Ancient
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    Great job. looks like a good map. I like how you used the sides and not just the main area. 9.25/10.

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