Sandbox Ataraxia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Mongoose, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Xx Pr0 F0rge xX
    Gametype(s) Recommended: Battle Lasers, Battle Snipes

    [jumpto=4]Click here to download.[/jumpto]

    [aname=1]Post Contents:[/aname]
    1. [jumpto=1]Table of Contents[/jumpto]
    2. [jumpto=2]Description[/jumpto]
    3. [jumpto=3]Pictures[/jumpto]
    4. [jumpto=4]Download[/jumpto]
    5. [jumpto=5]Closing[/jumpto]

    [highlight]Ataraxia[/highlight] is my fifth Sandbox racetrack. The twisting turns go in alternate directions as to not get a numb right thumb (hey, that rhymed!). Ataraxia, good for Battle Lasers or Battle Snipes, features:
    • 1 Half Bank
    • 1 Off-Cambered Corkscrew Powerslide Turn
    • 4 Straightaways
    • 1 U-Turn
    • 1 Full Bank
    • 1 S-Bank

    When playing Battle Tracks on this map, change the VIP goal movement to 30 seconds, as this map has a roughly 44 second lap. Doing this minimizes double points.

    Weapons List:
    Should you choose to play Battle BRs, there are four weapons on the map that you can grab.

    • Needler/60/x1
    • Trip Mine/180/x1
    • Sniper Rifle/150/x1
    • Shotgun/120/x1

    When making the map, I geomerged one of the Red Lights into the sand for aesthetics. When I loaded up the game again, the light was gone and I could not make another. That's why there is only one Red Light on the map.

    [jumpto=0]Back to Top[/jumpto]


    Half Bank:

    Off-Cambered Corkscrew Drifting Turn:

    Drop into the Sand:


    Full Bank:


    Uphill Straightaway:

    Finish Line:

    Action Shots:
    [jumpto=0]Back to Top[/jumpto]

    Battle Tracks Game Variants

    [jumpto=0]Back to Top[/jumpto]

    Expect more tracks from me. I'm not one of those people who go, "Oh, I'm gonna make three tracks then just stop because Forge is soooooooo boring!" For now, this is what I have. Download, give it a spin, and if you don't like it, toss it. Hell, I don't care.

    Leave a comment. I'd like to know what you think about the track. Rate it too, if you don't mind.

    Xx Pr0 F0rge xX​

    [jumpto=0]Back to Top[/jumpto]
    #1 Mongoose, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  2. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Isn't the best track out there, (far from it) but if it's your frist then its a nice start. Most turns look clean along with the finish line. I like the corkscrew.

    Expect more tracks from me. I'm not one of those people who go, "Oh, I'm gonna make three tracks then just stop because Forge is soooooooo boring!" For now, this is what I have. Download, give it a spin, and if you don't like it, toss it. Hell, I don't care.

    A. We know who your talking about.
    B. His tracks are WAY better than this one
    C. He quit cause he was frustrated and not bored.

    Personally I think ShaddoBlade is an excellent forger. He became premium from JUST racetracks. He consentrated on QUALITY (unlike you it looks like) not QUANTITY. And who is to get mad at him!?! If you want a racetrack get out there and build yourself one.

    The closing makes you seem so arrogant and it is discusting. There are atleast 20+ other BETTER racetracks than this one and to put down the best racetrack forger out there saying his reasonable actions for quitting forge is unacceptable is horrible.
  3. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    wow seriously way to write barely anything about the map and write a paragraph being a douche towards someone.

    this map is pretty amazing its better then most maps i make, it looks really smooth and has a lot of banks, and looks pretty large and it also looks like you could play on it a while with out getting really bored. I also like how you put in railing so people wont ***** about falling off.
  4. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I never put anyone down. I never directly mentioned Shaddo. I never asked you. You need to shut the hell up and not make assumptions that I hate other forgers. It JUST SO HAPPENS that RogueShaddo is on my FRIENDS list. You haven't even downloaded the map and you go ahead and judge it anyway. But if you want to be like that, be my guest. I don't care.
    #4 Mongoose, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Can't we all just get along?

    Anyway, I was happy to see you had a new track, and it does not disappoint. It is smooth, and has some original turns and angles. The transition between track and terrain is spectacular, and the first terrain section is perfect for racing. It is even banked at the turn. Very nice. However, the second terrain section was quite bumpy, making it hard to maintain control on the turn, which usually resulted in slamming into the shield doors and crashing down into the Mongooses at start. But maybe you wanted a more off-road style portion right there. The only other thing I noticed was a bump on the wooden bridge part of the track that sometime had adverse effects on driver handling. Other than that, the track is quite impressive.

    P.S. Claiming to quit forging and then releasing another map is a great way to generate hype/publicity.
  6. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    OMG Aaronater, I was impressed by this map. But you can dislike the look of a map but you have to actually have download it to judge as harshly as you have. I have a motto you should develop, "Dont slant that which I could never make". There is nothing wrong with this map, the thread or his statements. Right now, you are the problem with this thread. Man I wish I was a mod right now, infracts would be hitting him like puberty.
    Assholes as side, Im downloading this as it is unorthodox by using the dunes which I always like (unorthodox that is)
  7. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Yes, I did want a more off-road bumpy style at the end because its something different to put in a track (taking that part right up against the right hand barriers minimizes those effects). As for that wooden bridge thing on the full bank, I got screwed up by that once but never saw the cause of it until now. There's like a hair breadth of the bridge sticking out that's really hard to see. Fixed.
    #7 Mongoose, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  8. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    The track is pretty cool, but I don't think it is your best.
    May just be me, but the design kinda bugged me. I know it sounds weird, but the terrain part was incredibly wide and just made the track look random and off, it would have been better if you kept it sky track. I know you wanted to try something new, but lots of people have used terrain and it just didn't match well with the track. The turns were reasonably smooth but the corkscrew was awkward. It was bumpy, quite sloppy and the shield doors did not bounce me accordingly. Like mentioned before, the second terrain part was bumpy and bothered me drastically.
    I know this comment is weird but I am giving my very honest opinion on the map on what I think, good effort and keep working on improving the objects :)
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    When I read people's comments, I take them seriously and try to view what they're saying from their perspective. I understand where you're coming from, but I need to clarify that the second terrain issue, as correctly guessed by Shaddo, was meant to be like that on purpose. I spent my time looking for parts of terrain to use, and I wanted a smooth, banked terrain turn and for its contraceptive, a bumpier, off-road style to slow some people down at the end. This alters the gameplay and gives a pursuing team on the S-bank that extra second to snatch the points away from the finishing team with a clean laser. On the other hand, I have no idea what you're talking about when you say the shield doors bounce you in the wrong direction. I spent a half-hour expirimenting with the shield doors, and the way they are now bounces me in the perfect direction every time as to not eat up my speed by drifting. And I kind-of understand when you say it's bumpy... but come on, is it seriously that much that you have to complain? The bumps are steps in the track so that you're not doing that turn at at -45° angle. Notice how it's flat the whole time? I've honestly never heard someone criticize terrain track width, and I don't think it offsets the track that much, does it?
  10. drunk

    drunk Ancient
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    Nice Track, This is a really great BATTLE Track. When I played this with 3 of my friends I had a blast. Keep making these great tracks.
    #10 drunk, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
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    I personally like terrain tracks, I think they can be a lot more fun and have a sort of natural feel to them. Thats why I included terrain in 2 of my own tracks. I think you did a great job on this track and I will play it and see how it runs. I love the corkscrew turn, it looks very well forged and smooth. I just DLed it. Keep up the good work.
    #11 KNEE TO FACE, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  12. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    I think this is your second best map in my opinion... I loved oxidity or whatever it is called lol... but this is still a really good map... a few parts on the banks could be smoother / better but overall it is a really smooth track... the transitions from the track to terrain are perfect and have like no bump what so ever... the terrain turns are really good and alot of fun... nice job 4.5/5
  13. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    haaha well forge i'd have to say tyhat this is my favorite of your maps. im especially happy thatwere riding brokeback/ and or holding hands in the action shots
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Average. A little cheesy in some parts and it looks easily escapeable. So good job overall because I still believe it's a great map. Great, not perfect. But it would be very fun sometime to play BattleTracks on it.
  15. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Lolfail. Why would you want to go off of the track? If you're trying to say it's cheatable, the only places that you can cheat take you longer to access than actually racing the track. And by what exactly do you mean cheesy? Do you know anything about reviewing maps?
  16. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    Im sorry, I dont mean to start anything but I agree with Aaronator. Even though you did not say his name directly you were definetly suggesting him. Please dont bash him on racetracks. He is one of the best, if not the best, At building racetracks.

    But anyway. I think the racetrack is Good. Definitely better than mine lol. Good job on banking and I love how you added the terrain to the mix. I will definitely download and play with my friends. 4.8/5

    Keep up the Great forging!!

    #16 King 10011, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  17. Killtacullar

    Killtacullar Ancient
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    Why do you people have to be so Judemental, this is a simple racing map with very good tracks and turns and clean conversion from the tracks to the sand and back to track again. I honestly suck at racing maps but I plan to make one, even though it may look bad. But the deal is that this is a map that someone created and wanted to show thier potiential, and its not good to bring people down. Good map and I'll download.
  18. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    This looks like an awesome map! I like that the track goes to the Sand Dune, rather than it just be completely aerial.

    One problem is that the Spartan Lasers are overkill. Rockets will do, but lasers is just one-hit-kill and restart.

  19. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Weird how you gave him an all positive review and then rated his map an F. Nice strategy you got there.
  20. lewis kf22

    lewis kf22 Ancient
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    awesome track, pretty smooth and you used the terrain on sandbox, which i love
    i love your forging style :)

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