Buttons: Logos: (old) (old) Other stuff: all sigs where made for members of FH more stuff I know it isn't up to the requirements yet but I'll edit in more stuff as I finish it
I dont know so much about your buttons and logos, but I love every single sig you make. Every one. For realz.
thanx man yeah pretty much everyone of my buttons and logos suck because I am quite possibly the least creative person ever so I can't think of anything cool to do for logos etc. and thanx for the comment on the sigs
Especially the top two. The other dark's is probably my favorite sig I have ever seen. Do you follow tut's? How long have you been photoshoping?
If I find a good tut I'll try it for my next sig but most of them aren't from tuts and Ive been photoshoping for a little more than 2 years but I've only done it seriously for a little over a year and a half on and off.
idk how much of it you actually made in photoshop, but the scorpion dragon thing is pretty dank dude.
dude, your sigs are so good that i want another one! but then nitrous will tell me off for having a big sig.