**** dude, dont do that. Id be screwed over cuz ive had 3 different accounts that ive tooken pictures on. The first got hacked and the other i just didnt care for.
that has nothing to do with sotw.. maybe vm him or ppc or something.... UPDATE; I felt like you guys were doing this for nothing, So I spoke to shock and now, If you win SOTW Three times in a row, You get a mention in the next site update on the front page, Not a major prize, But its something worth going for..
What about incorporating electricity in a shot? like a just-switched out sword, or electricity like plasma that shoots from stickies, or the regenerating shield electric sparks...
How about the picture needs to be pixelized (except for the spartan), Like from the gravity hammer or deployable cover? Or maybe it has to have a mongoose in it. Wait, I have one more good one. How about it has to use a tin cup?
I think that scenery should be a theme!! I also think that you could choose certain maps for the theme... like all shots have to be from Orbital or something. Also campaign would be a good one.
@ lil drummer: I was thinking about that, and campaign was our first theme evar.. @ kill4over: how would i know it has a tin cup, maybe the map thing might work, but i need to have the fileshare link to confirm its on that map..
Also, I have a quick suggestion. How about with have a voting thread and submision thread going on at the same time. Like the submissions for week 4 would be going on at the same time the voting was going on for week 3. That way it wouldn't take two weeks to for each them (1 for voting and 1 for submission). Edit: Also maybe the most ninja screenshot (I'd have it in the bag )
Right now, Im going to keep it the way it is with the bi weekly thing, it just seems to flow better, @ the ninja thing, I was lookng at a screenshot called ninja, and it shows dead bodys, in ninja possitions, so i might make a theme " Dead Bodies " I like your ideas, put more BTW:: Next weeks theme is Electrical effects; Just a heads up to those who accually read this thread.
... dont you get the SOTW Disscussion thread in the title? discuss screenshot of the week, we dont need an update of what your doing.. thats what twitter etc is for. okay?