GalixySnipes A game type for most large scale maps This is a fast pace game with you flying in the air trying to snipe each other. To make more fun do all no-scopes but nomater were you hit each other you will die....... It is crazy/.;,'.[];./ PIC Download this gametype
From what he told us, I could assume that... -It's a gametype -Players can only use snipers -Players are one shot kills -There's low gravity -It's fun to noscope ... Nice picture btw.
Umm. I think this website was made to share maps with the gametype being optional. The picture shows nothing about this game. Could use action shots to make up for no map accompanying it.
Sorry man, but if you want to post a gametype, you need a map to go with it. It's FORGEhub not GAMEhub. Also, for future reference, you need a picture of the map, not just a random picture.
I don't get what you mean. Is there even a map for this gametype? If you have a map tell us more about the gametype and map in the desription. If it is not a gametype, I don't think it should be in casual maps.