Photobucket vs. Halo Screen Shots ___________________ So I know Halo Screen Shots is supposed to be the ultimate way of uploading your pics. And I love it except for the fact that it cant resize and it doesn't discard screenshots that you have already discarded. It's also an easy 2 or 3 step process. With Photobucket you can resize, re-arrange, and discard of unwanted pictures. The downside is it takes much more time to do this and people make more mistakes. So I guess my main point of this debate is which one do you preffer?
This isn't really a debate, and I don't see the point of it. Does it really matter which one you use?
Yea I does to some people that can't decide which is the better option, like me. Everyone says to use Halo Screen Shots but I like using Photobucket. So the point is that anyone who is confused can get some insight.
PB Haloscreenshots may be a little faster but I like the link options and other features of Photobucket better. I think the stats option on PB is pretty sweet too. You can track you daily and monthly views on your top images.
It doesn't really matter does it. You can still upload from both and you can still have infinite pics so you don't really have to delete any. Still I like photobucket better.
It doesnt really matter imo, being your going to get the screenshot off Halo3Screenshots, then edit it to your liking and upload to photobucket anyway. (Obviously this is only true with people wanting to make there screenshots look better, but most people do so.)
I still go with Photobucket. Like you said Kidbomber, you'll always go back to PB to upload your edited pictures (that is if you edit them like me) There is just a large amount of options you can do and ultimately i think PB is better even if it does take longer.
It depends what I'm using the screenshots for, if I'm posting a halo shot in say the screenshot section, I would use HaloScreenshots since I don't normally post in screenshots section, and when I do post screenshots, I only post 'em here, on Forgehub. For maps, I prefer Photobucket so I can copy/paste my exact posts to other sites that don't support HaloScreenshots. This way I can resize them, as previously stated to reduce some load times, and you can edit a pic with a boarder in GIMP, for example, before uploading it.