Hello! This was the first time I have ever tried to forge. So, I do not know most of the fancy forge techniques. It may not be the cleanest or most organized, but it is pretty fun! Description: I made the map on Foundry, so obviously do not expect to see the race courses that you find on Sandbox. This map is more like an obstacle course. Some parts are difficult. I would be very impressed if someone made it through the whole course on the first try. There are jumps that you will only pass after you fail a couple times. Also, despite being on Foundry, the track is rather long. It will take you as long as some of the maps on Sandbox. Features: Lets just say that I have used enough grav lifts, shield doors, and man cannons to keep you satisified. Believe me you will be surprised. Some part are fast paced and some parts are slow. Check out the pics. Take a break from Sandbox and enjoy a different type of race course. It really is fun and worth your while. Trust me, I wont waste your time. I bet some of you will not even be able to complete it (I hope that makes you want to take a look). Download Here
This map looks incredibly difficult to race on. Everything is incredibly narrow and bumpy- you fall off every time unless you go at a speed where it is not considered "racing" I would try looking at the Forge 101 page and look at interlocking, then make the track wider
looks nicely forged but in the last pic with the walls it looks almost impossible, i'l Dl and try it then give you a rating i tested the map and some of the jumps are fairly hard to make for a race track and most of the time i found myself either going backwards because of a grav lift, or upside down cause i fell off the track. over all i would give it a 2.5/5 for the idea.
This map is not meant for racing. It is more like a challenge map. I made everything like that for a purpose. I want you to fall off. There are some parts that you cannot get passed if you go slow. There are also some parts that you cant get passed if you go fast. The whole point is to just to do a full lap. Trust me, I have completed the map MANY times. It is definitely possible.
If it's not meant for racing, why post it in the [highlight]race maps[/highlight] forum? Just a thought. This looks like a good challenge map, however difficult it may be. The forging is mediocre, but that's to be expected. Not much in the way of scenery, which aesthetically speaking, makes the map horrible. Otherwise, it is an okay map. 3/5
There is too much bumps and narrows for my tastes. It looks like in the third picture that even if you get up there, you will have to turn around to continue the track. It doesn't look like a hih speed map either.
Well, where should I have posted a map like this? I have tested everything. That part is cool. There is a man cannon underneath that shoots you backwards. Then you drive off another ramp. Try the map once and then judge it.
Just because the map has mongooses and a path to drive on, that doesn't make it a racetrack. I think these maps fit better in Casual. I talked to Sarge about that and he's considering a mass move. But for now, I guess these maps stay put in Racing.
Do not put a jumping map in the Race Maps category. Please either request a move or a lock and make your new thread in the correct section, which in this case is mini-game maps.
Personally this looks like the first map you have ever made. But I gave it a try, it is very difficult, due to the fact that it is very narrow. But Nice try keep trying and you will get better. : )