While trying to float away on a pallet in Campaign, (which, incidentally doesn't work; the pallet will hold you, but once it floats near the Pelican, it automatically sinks) I came up with this shot. Once I looked at it again, I thought that it would be perfect for a little caption contest. I'll keep 3 spots open for my favorite captions that you guys come up with. Here it is: It kinda looks like the Master Chief and the Arbiter are whispering to each other, doesn't it? ...Somebody else told me it looks like they are making out... but whatever. Whatever floats your boat. Or pallet, in this case. Top Captions (Edited for grammatical correctness): 1. BennyBhoy: "Wait, what?! I thought YOU had the paddle!" 2. Black Theorem: "Arbiter: Why is it that whenever we go on our midday boat ride, people need to stare?" 3. 12 inch winner: "Our love is forbidden! They won't let us be together!"
Join us this Saturday at Jenkins' Barracks for hot Saprtan on Sangheili oil wrestling!!! Cover charge is only $5 a head and drinks are free until midnight!