Foundry Combat Hall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Combat Hall is a remake of Metroid Prime: Hunter's Combat hall. I created this map a very long time (about a year ago). And, as I was looking over my creations, I remembered this map, I thought that it was very good and I could share it on ForgeHub if I made a few modifications and, here it is.

    This map is mainly fun to look at, not played, and if you played Metroid Prime: Hunters a lot like I did, you'll have a lot of fun reminiscing over one of the most popular MPH maps.

    It is playable on every gametype, although, I don't know why you would want to play anything on this ridiculously small map, I have also tested each game on this map and Juggernaut, One-Bomb, Crazy king, and Infection are the most fun, Flag games also work well on this map.

    Weapon List:
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 Battle Rifle
    2 SMGs
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Spikers
    2 Magnums
    1 Mauler
    1 Bruteshot
    1 Frag
    1 Plasma 'nade

    This is a view at the defender's side of the map.


    Looking towards the attacker's side.


    looking at the entrance to the Hallway.


    In the Hallway.


    Behind the Defender's side


    In Metroid Prime: Hunters each of the seven characters had the ability to roll up into a ball, much like Samus does, and these were called Alt-forms. Because going into a character's Alt-form made them smaller certain tunnels in MPH were only accesable via Alt-forms. But Halo doesn't have Alt-forms so I made the Tunnels only accessable by crouching, and since crouching is so painfully slow, I added a gravity lift to speed things up.


    In MPH there was a glitch that allowed the player to jump on top of some scenery to gain access to the second level. And I wanted to keep this alternate path in my remake so placed a wall you need to crouch jump off of to get to the next level.


    Here's another useful jump if you ever decide to play a game on this map. I don't believe you could do anything like this in the real game, but I thought I'd tell anyone who decides to play it.


    Here's just some detail I decided to put in the map to make everything flow better. This Gravity lift is raised up off of the ground to make sure no one got stuck floating on the grav lift and not being able to make it out.


    I have also made an Alinos perch map (although it needs some fixing up) I might post it if you guys like this.

    And for anyone who didn't play MPH here are a few Terrible quality pictures (Sorry about the pictures, because MPH is on the DS there isn't a good way to take a picture of it).




    Download link: : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    This is a great map because it looks well forged. It also looks like the actual map. It is realy cool and It is worth a download from me.
    #2 liphttam1, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  3. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    dude, epic map fo sho! i dont have my ds anymore and havent played one in years, but this map is still stuck in my mind. great job on the remake, the map definitely deserved one!
  4. Tortimer

    Tortimer Ancient
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    I never knew much about metroid prime but it seems like you put a lot of work into making a halo3 experience feel like a metroid experience which is what i like about your map. Also by the look of your pictures, you did a lot of interlocking. good job and keep forging.
  5. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    I have always loved it, those pictures are as weevil, so you are a noob lol.
    I think the map is a very true to replica and I will download if its definitely playable.
    This Alinos Perch map sounds good aswell, I was wondering, have you had any plans to do a remake of the icey one with the mini bunker in the centre and that ice bridge, its name evades me, but ah well,
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Great job at making the remake! I have MPH and it's exactly the same! You even IMPROVED the level from the original game. I sadly can't give this competitive map a 10/10, but that's only if you're just judging the map design from the original game. As far as the effort goes, I'll definately give this map a 10/10 as far as you remaking it from another game AND making it even better!
  7. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Thanks for the input, and I don't know how I made the map better, but that comment made my day! And I normally play Spire, not Weavel he was the character that was being used in the highest quality youtube video I could find (I just used print screen). I know Spire is probably the worst character in MPH but I got pretty good with him...I think.
  8. Jimbo

    Jimbo Ancient
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    Ace map, do that level that had that huge sniper tower and kinda went up a hill to a room that ive forgotten the name of...

    ALINOS PERCH! Thats what its called. You can also do Council Chamber which is the same but bigger if you REALLY want :p

    (that was edited in later)
  9. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Alinos perch is going to have to wait a while...I have three other projects that are more urgent, I might just do alinos perch in sandbox instead of posting my MiniAlinos perch that I made in foundry.
  10. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    I think the map is a very true to replica and I will download if its definitely playable.
    This Alinos Perch map sounds good aswell, I was wondering, have you had any plans to do a remake of the icey one with the mini bunker in the centre and that ice bridge, its name evades me, but ah well,
  11. The Punisher

    The Punisher Ancient
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    MP:H for the win! Great job! I tried makign Processor Core - it was too hard. I like thatpart how you can jump up onto the Missile spawn.

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