Yet Another Game I'm making

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GR4V3mind117, Jul 23, 2009.


Good Game Idea?

  1. No, it sucks

    0 vote(s)
  2. I guess, Its kinda good

    0 vote(s)
  3. Average, Nice Idea

    0 vote(s)
  4. Great, Cool Game

    0 vote(s)
  5. Amazing, I Love It!

    0 vote(s)
  6. Submit It. To Microsoft. When its done.

  1. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BattleField Championship [Updated 7/24/09]

    Production has stopped until i get GameMaker Pro 7.0

    8/6/09: Updated the Update
    7/25/09: 3rd Party Crap added for PC/Mac OS X version only, And more Awards added for PC/Mac OS X Versions
    7/25/09: Game Maker 7.0 DLed, Which Starts Production (Yay!)
    7/24/09: Master Move Explanation Added
    7/24/09: Added Achievements

    Name: Battlefield Championship

    Genre: 2-D Fighting

    Screen Shots
    Screen Shots Will Go here
    Story Mode
    I'll Make a Story mode Only if this becomes a little popular
    Leo (Legend's Blade)
    Shadarax/Isaac (Legend's Blade)
    The Guardian (Legend's Blade)
    Alpha-627/Sargeant James Morika (Morika)
    Raanoxa (Morika)
    Omega-951/Weapon Specialist Michael Kranor (Morika)
    Worm (Worms 2: Armageddon)
    Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie Games)
    Kingdom of Antom (Legend's Blade)
    Shadow Realm (Legend's Blade)
    Temple of Light (Legend's Blade)
    Defense Station 43 (Morika)
    Project: Raanoxa Test Lab (Morika)
    World of Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie Games)
    Black Hole Generator
    B.T.B.U. Bomb
    Ice Mine
    FireStorm Mine
    Item Crystal
    Item Effects
    Black Hole Generator
    Creates a black hole that will absorb any thing within its reach
    Duration: 5 Seconds

    B.T.B.U. Bomb
    Just An Ordinary bomb. Or is it?
    Duration: N/A

    Ice Mine
    Throw it down and it will stick to the ground and freeze the first person to step on it, It also makes the floor around it slippery once set off.
    Duriation: 5 Second Are Spent Frozen

    FireStorm Mine
    When you throw it it sticks to the ground and whoever walks near it causes it to explode,
    The Flames will go through anything
    Duration: Burns Area for 3 Seconds

    You only get one try, But it kills instantly
    Duration: You can hold it for 10 Seconds Max.

    Electrical Storm Generator
    Creates an Electrical storm in the Area
    Duration: 8 Seconds

    Throw it and it will Daze any nearby fighters
    Duration: Dazed for 5 Seconds

    Item Crystal
    Once broken, It will drop a Random Item
    Duration: N/A

    Napalm Strike
    Will call down an air strike to throw flames onto the ground for a short period of time
    Duration: Ground burns for 5 Seconds

    Clockwork Kazooie
    Once thrown, a mini robot kazooie will hatch and chase the nearest fighter until it reaches its target
    Duration: N/A
    Up: Grapple
    Left/Right: Arrow
    Neutral: Slash
    Down: Thrust
    Master Move: Ultimate Firestorm

    Up: Fly
    Left/Right: Shadow Blast
    Neutral: Flame Breath
    Down: Transformation
    Master Move: Portal

    Up: Levitate
    Left/Right: Phoenix Arrow
    Neutral: Phoenix Blade
    Down: Transformation
    Master Move: Portal

    The Guardian
    Up: Teleport
    Left/Right: Light Force
    Neutral: Light Blast
    Down: Blind
    Master Move: Banishment

    Alpha-627/James Morika
    Up: Jump Pack
    Left/Right: Missle
    Neutral: Charge
    Down: Deactivate
    Master Move: Air Support

    James Morika/Alpha-627
    Up: Grapple
    Left/Right: SubZero Grenade
    Neutral: Shredder Rifle
    Down: Reactivate
    Master Move: Air Support

    Up: Glide
    Left/Right: Rocket
    Neutral: Laser
    Down: Tail Swipe
    Master Move: Sonic Shriek

    Omega-956/Michael Kranor
    Up: Jump Pack
    Left/Right: Rocket
    Neutral: Grenade Launcher
    Down: Land Mine
    Master Move: Defense Station Laser

    Michael Kranor/Omega-956
    Up: Grapple
    Left/Right: Shredder Rifle
    Neutral: Shock Grenade
    Down: Shockwave Generator
    Master Move: Defense Station Laser

    Up: Jetpack
    Left/Right: Sheep Bomb
    Neutral: Bazooka
    Down: Dynamite
    Master Move: Holy Hand Grenade

    Banjo & Kazooie
    Up: Shock Jump
    Left/Right: Beak Barge
    Neutral: Egg
    Down: Kazooie Cutter
    Master Move: The Jinjonator
    Master Moves (Explanation Inside)
    Master Moves are a very special type of super powerful attack and can be used only when the "Crystal Meter" is completely full

    The Crystal Meter can only be filled by inflicting damage on enemies, While taking damage will decrease the meter
    Trophy Points
    First of Many 5TP - Complete your first Battle
    Dancin' on The Grave 15TP - Preform a taunt while standing on a dead fighter's body
    Party Time 15TP - Unlock All Characters
    Halloween 15TP - Unlock All Alternative Costumes
    World Tour 15TP - Play Each Arena at least once
    Warrior 20TP - Complete Story Mode with the Hero Storyline
    Monster 20TP - Complete Story Mode with the Villain Storyline
    Superhero 25TP - Complete the Hero Storyline on Champion Difficulty
    World Domination 25TP - Complete the Villain Storyline on Champion Difficulty
    (Secret) Don't Stop Me Now 15TP - Play the game for a total of Fifteen Hours
    (Secret) Killer Queen 5TP - Win a solo game as a female character
    (Secret) 'Cause its the fight that never ends... 25TP - Beat the Endless Championship
    (Secret) We Are The Champions 5TP - Win a Co-Op Battle
    (Secret) Hallelujah! 5TP - Won a Battle with Worm's Holy Hand Grenade
    (Secret) You've Just been Jinjonated 5TP - Won a battle with Banjo & Kazooie's Jinjonator
    Suggestions? Comments? Criticism? Free Game Engines? Character Ideas? Submit them Here! And please vote on the poll. Thanks for reading the Wall of Text i created. Bye.

    Srsly, I need a Game Engine
    #1 GR4V3mind117, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  2. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if you post pictures it will make it so people will post more due to lack of attention span


    ok well im kinda confused beacuse i dont get the fighting layout im guessing its a 2d fighter with nothing speacial but you should add something speacil, since you brought up worms you could do the fighting style in that instead because thats pretty rare/uniuqe,

    also is this for the 360 as a community game, if so no 3rd party characters unless u have money (alot) to pay
  3. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It says at the bottom that i have no Game Engine to work with, If i don't have an Engine, I can't post pics without an engine,

    Think of Super Smash Sros. + Virtua Fighter + 4-Player Combat = Battlefield Championship

    And it uses Health Bars like VF but its 4-Player like SSB and most (If not all) of the characters are my original creations

    Edit: The Master Moves are special attacks and to use them you have to fill your "Crystal Meter" which can be done by inflicting damage on your enemies. But when you get hurt the bar decreases. When its full you use the back button to trigger your Master Move

    Sorry, I should have explained it in the original post

    EDIT EDIT: How do you "Submit" a community game?
    #3 GR4V3mind117, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009

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