Hi, my gamertag is D4rK Dr1gg3r HX. And honestly. I've been wanting to make a montage for quite a while. I got some sick videos I've been wanting to piece together to wow a few people. But... well. I don't have a capture card. BUT! I will however give someone a 1600 Microsoft point card thinger if you record all the clips I got in my theater, send me the files and!! You will get the 1600 MP. Soo please! Help a fellow H3 Player out forgers and kit kats. =^,.,^= --Drigger. P.S. My email is CSDragonrikku@hotmail.com or PM here. Tell me how good your capture card quaility is and then Ill send you the files and what not.
I was wondering if i could edit it. I have a capture card to if scopulus is unavaiable. just let me konw. PM me here or xbl gt: HeCtic HazSaucE
If you are going to pay 1600 MS points why not just get Bungie Pro which comes with the new render to video feature for no extra charge? It's only 750 MS points. All you have to do is put a film clip in your file share, then click the "render to video" option and it will be saved to your computer.